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  1. C

    Bugs in late flower

    Thanks everyone, I'll try the essential oil mixture for sure. Will let you know if it worked.
  2. C

    When to harvest? First time growers.

    Here is some closer pics.
  3. C

    When to harvest? First time growers.

    Hi, we have C4 autos and Stardawg autos in day 81 from germination. Scared that we harvest too early. Pictures attached.
  4. C

    Bugs in late flower

    Hi, we are in day 81 autoflower C4 from fastbuds, there are small black bugs over the buds, sugar leafes and underneath the other leaves... Is it spidermites? How do I get rid of them so late into flower? Someone local suggested spraying the entire plant with 50/50 mix of alcohol/RO water. Would...
  5. C

    Help needed please. Deficiency?

    Hi, I brought up the pH as suggested, and added a little more calcium and Epsom salt. They recovered perfectly. Thanks for the help guys. Much appreciated.
  6. C

    Help needed please. Deficiency?

    Hi, PH water between 5.8 and 6.5. Soil pH around 6. Yes feeding every other watering.
  7. C

    Help needed please. Deficiency?

    Autoflower outdoor Plants in early flower. Leaves have spots on them and dying? Feeding Greenhouse feeding Hybrid/Bloom Booster with regular tap water, declorinated. New grower, please help