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  1. S

    JillyBean 600w Grow/Harvest/Budzzz! Subcool Check This Out!

    Well I only had 1 of the candy store phenos...That was amazing tho! It is what was pictured. But all smelled richly of orange and strong tropical citrus. Maybe a pineapplish spice ha! Subcool, PM me if you have a chance...
  2. S

    JillyBean 600w Grow/Harvest/Budzzz! Subcool Check This Out!

    5 Weeks for veg, topped them at week 3 at the third node. Roughly 8 weeks flower. Let a few of them go about 3-4 days longer. This was my first grow, so i'm MORE than impressed with the final product. Had a friend scope it and we saw no traces of spidermites, mold, or anything else that...
  3. S

    600w Jilly Grow Harvested Product!

    Hey RIU - - So it's been a while, but my Jillybean grow is finally complete and WOW am I impressed. It has far surpassed any of my expectations. And the candy store, my goodness. Anyways, my good friend posted a review for it and took some great pictures for me to use so im going to...
  4. S

    JillyBean 600w Grow/Harvest/Budzzz! Subcool Check This Out!

    Hey RIU - - So it's been a while, but my Jillybean grow is finally complete and WOW am I impressed. It has far surpassed any of my expectations. And the candy store, my goodness. Anyways, my good friend posted a review for it and took some great pictures for me to use so im going to...
  5. S

    400W JillyBean and The Flav TGA Grow!

    On day 7 now. 6/8 have popped up and are just now starting to grow their first set of leaves. Should I upgrade to a 600w HID or stay with the 400w? I have a 4" can fan and 4" can filter that im exhausting through. It would be a 600w cool tube. Smi-Guy
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    400W JillyBean and The Flav TGA Grow!

    Hey RIU! So as promised, here is my 400w Jillybean and The Flav grow from TGA Genetics. I will be using rapid rooters for germination/starting and then planting into 3 gallon pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Cab: DR100 Grow Tent (Exhaust system on the way) Later in the grow I...
  7. S

    400W JillyBean Grow Question

    Hey RIU- Been a reader for a while now and finally decided to start it up! 400w HPS 10x Jilly Bean in Soil DR120 Tent Setup Question: For Early Veg, what CFL set up should I use? Thanks all! Journal to begin in a week or so.:weed:
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    400W HPS Auto AK/LR#2 Grow Question

    Thanks Butters! I only plan to grow 2-3 at a time, so for the DIY DWC would it be ok to just cut 3 holes with net cups? If so, what size net cups should I use? Also Butters, for my 2nd grow after this first Auto grow, i plan to do normal strains and give those a try.
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    400W HPS Auto AK/LR#2 Grow Question

    Hey Guys - Thanks for the feedback. Butters: After reviewing what you said, I am definitely going with the hydro setup you showed me. How would you suggest I germ the seeds? And what exactly do I go about doing once they're germed to set them up in the hydro system. And how far should...
  10. S

    400W HPS Auto AK/LR#2 Grow Question

    Hey Everyone, new to the boards posting-wise but have done lots of browsing over the past year. I recently bought a 400W hps lamp off my buddy and got 5 autoflower AK47/LR#2 seeds from Attitude. This will be my first grow so any and all advice is welcome. Im growing in a custom growbox...