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  1. S

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    @notoriouscheech Well, you said you were treating with Cal-Mag and as far as I'm aware all Cal-Mag products also contain Iron. Since you are also using a good quality potting mix with it's own ferts, I'm just doubting a standard deficiency. Clearly this could be a case of lack of experience and...
  2. S

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    The fungus I was thinking of is called Cannabis Septoria, but after researching it's clearly not the issue. Wasn't aware of how it presents itself and you clearly don't have the main symptoms. I'm starting to think perhaps you have an excess of Iron. It competes with manganese and other micros...
  3. S

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    After your response I agree, over watering is more or less ruled out. I'm going to spend some time researching as I'm curious now and if I find anything I'll definitely inform you. As far as I'm aware Oceans Forest is a very solid base, and with everything you've said now it seems doubtful to...
  4. S

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    I'm a new Grower myself and currently focusing on learning and researching so take what I say with a grain of salt. You do seem to have signs of multiple deficiencies. Based on that lockout still seems to be a prime suspect to my mind. So I'm going to ask you a few questions. 1. What is your...
  5. S

    Indoors LED progressing plant problems

    I'm a new Grower just starting and learning myself, so my thoughts may be wrong. If the medium is staying wet for a week you should consider transplanting into a higher perlite concentration medium. Overwatering can be gradual, and if so your roots are sitting in stagnant water buildup from the...