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  1. Diamondz

    Can I start feeding my seedlings??

    I agree with Radical Ross FFOF and FFHF both carry a balanced amount of nutrients on their own for up to 3 weeks. If plants are younger than that I would wait. Especially with FFOF it will burn young plants and they may not make it. You should definitely look into coco coir grow as it is near...
  2. Diamondz

    Can I start feeding my seedlings??

    You did not specify what medium your growing in? If in Coco, dwc or hydroponics of some sort you can feed daily once you see 1st set of serrated leaves. But if in soil and depending on the type of soil you should wait a a couple weeks into the grow IF your soil comes with nutrients already in...
  3. Diamondz

    Mainlining my plants. How long should I veg?

    Like this? In 8th week of veg waiting for new light and defoliation once every 2 weeks.
  4. Diamondz

    Heres my little personal grow

    UPDATE on my grow! Happy Growing everyone!
  5. Diamondz

    Heres my little personal grow

    I been worried about that during this whole grow and I been watching very close but according to the link I need to look even closer as they seem to be able to hide?!
  6. Diamondz

    Heres my little personal grow

    My setup: 2 Indica dominant unknown strain bagseed in FFHF soil 5gal fabric pots 1 Candyland bagseed in FFHF soil 1gal fabric pot 1 Candyland bagseed in 70/30 Coco/Perlite in 1gal fabric pot 1 Candyland Bagseed in 70/30 Coco/Perlite in red solo cup All seeds on a 12/12 from seed to harvest light...
  7. Diamondz

    Soil mixture

    No not organic no I will be using ff nutes.
  8. Diamondz

    Soil mixture

    Transplanting; I would like to know how YOU would mix these products (how much of each) in a 5gal fabric pot using cup scale measurement for the purpose of transplanting? Should any of them be used for just top soil / just lower base? In what order? Or mix throughout? how much water afterwards...
  9. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Never really thought of it that way. Fan would still run as exhaust like normal. But then I might have to worry about bearings in the fan rusting and breaking down from humidifier.?
  10. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Having a humidifier inside the tent causes big problems for me because it clogs the pre filter on my carbon filter then conditions get bad inside. Its Michigan winter and tough to keep it higher but honestly its doing better since I removed the humidifier. All the NEW growth happened AFTER...
  11. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Lol i guess mine are small lol very nice though
  12. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    I didn't have her in the right conditions first 4 wks. I was waiting on $450 worth of grow equipment and started her in closet with all the wrong or no equipment. I think her initial growth was stunted due to poor lighting, poor air circulation, poor humidity and poor soil but all that changed...
  13. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Hey thnx folks good info here will probably hear from me again
  14. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    I would not have thought that. In fact I was running a humidifier with humidistat and set it to 50% and had done more damage than good. I since took it out and that is the ONLY reason she lived to brandishing all these new leaves.
  15. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Even if my humidity is consistent with 30-35%? I did spritz my plants the day of the pic with ph water
  16. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    Ok thnx, im pretty sure I wouldn't have but needed certainty to make sure I didn't lol. What is your opinion on the stretch?? I know that is every growers enemy but in start of 6th week where are my colas?? No indication of any or is it where the new growth is?
  17. Diamondz

    Huge fan leaves!

    These 4 fan leaves are so huge that Im not sure all the new growth underneath is getting light. Its on its 3rd node, week 6 day 1 of veg, 18/6 unknown strain. Should I remove them? Leave them? (pun intended) Nodes are so tight right now and I feel it needs some stretch but not sure it will. 4"...
  18. Diamondz

    [HELP] I cut off a healthygrowth when fimming!

    Even I have pulled plants before but I dont give up:wall: I just spend more money trying again:mrgreen:
  19. Diamondz

    60 yr old 1st grow need opinions

    Thank you I will look into this.