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  1. M

    Removing all leaves 1 week before buds are done???

    Looking for pro's and con's for removing all leaves 1 week or more or less before finishing of flowering? I have been told to do it so more light gets to the buds. Imput appreicated!!!
  2. M

    Flowering which nuits and when do i use???

    It was my 3rd day but i didnt feed or water them the first 2. First day I fed them the buds right up! And FAT sor far!
  3. M

    Flowering which nuits and when do i use???

    Thanks! I used it and it started budding the next morning! I dont like the flora nova products. I think I am going to do advanced nutrients on my next run. What do you reccomend for veg and flowering cycles?
  4. M

    Flowering which nuits and when do i use???

    Thanks for the advice.. Do you not think that it is better to use 1. FLora Nova & Carbl Loader? Isint Super Bud Blaster 1-52-31 only for towards the end once there are buds?
  5. M

    Flowering which nuits and when do i use???

    First time grow. Just started 12/12 2 days ago. Nutes I have to use. Flora Nova Bloom 4-8-7 Super Bud Blaster 1-52-31 Floaralicious 1-1-1 Liquid Carb Loadter Diamond Nectoer 0-1-1 Which ones should I use and when? I have all of them but need to know when to start using them? Thanks for...
  6. M

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    Thanks for the responces and help! Well i think it was over nutes and salt buildup. I tried to feed them with full strenght on the bottel which made things LOTS worse. Then I wattered only and then gave them some nitrogen and sprayed them with AVID. After that didnt do the trick I...
  7. M

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    My pots are approx 3 gallons. How much water should I put in each plant? Should I do enough so a little water drips out the bottom?
  8. M

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    I flushed them decent a few days ago and now I just fed them a good amount of food! I am thinking I have been way under feeding them. I will let you know what happens in a few days! Thanks for the help!
  9. M

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    How do I check the soil runnoff with a tds meter? I just checking the ph on 7 or 8 of them that looked bad with a soild tester. About half way down with the meter it was 6-7. Then at the very bottem they were between 5-6. Im thinking that was because i used to not use enough water to...
  10. M

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    First time grow. I about 2 months in veg. Soil grow in approx 3 galon pots. Good Soild used. 1000w lights going about 7 feet from floor. PH always between 6-6.8. For last month been using ro water with ppm approx 30 with only water. Temps in room stay between 80-85 with 30-40 humid. Was doing...