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    Any idea what this is , i think its overwatering but soil is dry, its auto flower and ive been giving it 24 hrs of light

    So i used potting soil with perlite i was using a 250 led as i was giving it more light aswell as sunlight but i feel like humidity could have been a issue as it dropped to 40%
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    Light green on top leaves any idea what this could be?

    Holds the water in hot climates
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    Light green on top leaves any idea what this could be?

    Yeah its just strange that its on one leaf could need some nitrogen maybe?
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    Light green on top leaves any idea what this could be?

    Do you think there isn't enough N
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    Light green on top leaves any idea what this could be?

    60% potting soil 30 % coco and 10% perlite and its only showing on 2 out of 4 of mine
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    Light green on top leaves any idea what this could be?

    I havent used any nutes yet
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    Barnacles scales

    So it says about scales that they just drain the energy from the plant and stunt growth but it dosent say anything about damaging buds?
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    Barnacles scales

    Well i just spent 30 mins picking them off and rubbing abit of neem oil on the stems, theres blacks ones and then brown and white
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    Barnacles scales

    Would they disappear once i chop or no?
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    Barnacles scales

    Help infestation of them should i harvest a week earlier?
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    Any idea how much longer?

    The top picture is from the buds and the lower one i from the sugar leaf
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    Any idea how much longer?

    These are the most recent photos the top 4 colas look almost ready but the lower ones need more time , also its week 8 of flowering , it amnesia haze so should i wait another 2 weeks?
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    Any idea how much longer?

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    Should i flush before harvest

    how does it look , do you think it will grow more I'm on week 8 ? Thinking to not flush and just lower the nutrients. Or should i flush once. Does nitrogen stay in the leaves ?
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    Should i flush before harvest

    If i have nitrogen toxicity should i flush it