I transplanted her and flushed her the one plant seems to be doing fine but the other one is getting black tips on the newer foliage and weird black dots I thought this was a Fungus when I first saw the plants the fan leaves at the bottom where yellow and covered in dots the leaves where also...
My friend had a Swazi plant that he was only feeding nitrogen pellets and now the plant is flowering and is showing signs of nutritient burn which I'm guessing is from the nitrogen.
But the soil medium also felt heavy and overwatered. I'm trying bro save this plant can anyone help me and tell me...
The leaves of my plant has been getting black tips and they are now moving towards the spine of the leaf. I have no clue what this is my friend says it's over watering but I haven't watered in 4 days.
And I used to be able to smell the fruity Terps of the plant now it just smells like grass?!
Damn bro I crossed a landrace African strain with blue Dawg I don't think it's the same thing tho cause it's kinda stunted I think I need to re pot. send me a pic of your plant bro that's sounds crazy!!