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  1. Y

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    ... what's this your going on about. I offer my condolences however. completely understandable if what you say is fact. I must have missed the former apparently. I'm with this.
  2. Y

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Couldn't remember my login, I'm yougrow. Not hiding. So yeah hi...
  3. Y

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    So because he did it before it's okay now? Just saying i thought Amos was better than that. Dropping someone's salary, which should never have been shared anyway, is not right. If you dont see that then im glad we don't know each other.
  4. Y

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    So you feel devulging person information as a third party on the open internet is acceptable, no matter what was said in private...?
  5. Y

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    this sums it up well. Thank you for speaking up randallb.
  6. Y

    Brisco's Bargain Beans

    So this is where you're hiding. @goMM Thought you were better than that Amos really held a certain respect for you. That's really foul man.