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  1. ilovecats420


    Alright I took the shell off, should I cover it back up with soil and let it sprout through on its own or just leave it be and see what happens?
  2. ilovecats420


    Thank you So so much
  3. ilovecats420


    Yes, weird pic. The seed part is underneath the stick in the picture. What you’re seeing is the Baby leaves
  4. ilovecats420


    Should I cover it back up or leave it alone? Neither of the leaves are broken there’s a weird stick thing covering half of it in the picture I’ll take a better one
  5. ilovecats420


    So I acquired a seed and propagated and planted it once the tap root was about a half inch. That was last Monday. I’ve watered it every few days since then making sure I don’t drown her but she hasn’t popped out of the shell yet even though I can see the leaves have formed a tiny bit. I...