What is your preferred method for cleaning, rinsing, perllite to get rid of the dust? I have a giant bag and It seems like I would need a huge colander to effectley rinse all of it.
I want to dose my plants with good bugs, I would rather order persimilis and other critters from an online source.
Does anyone have good experiences with an online dealer of beneficial insects?
Help please, I am not sure why my boards are not turning on, I used the drivers, potentiometer, 18 guage wire and 3 way wagos this forum reccomended but after everything was connected I got 0 power to the leds.
would a 2 gallon bucket take me all the way through flower?
EDIT: after a month in a solo
EDIT EDIT: Can't find 3 gallon buckets. 2 gallon, 3.5, 5 seem common.
What ropes/hangers do people trust and use? A lot of brands out there and the occasional review where someone said the support failed and dropped shit. If someone has a go to trusted brand I would like to know please.
What is a better dimmer I can buy? I got these 100k knobs but nothing to house them in, I don't want to use these.... Is there something like what comes with the hlg kits that has housing.
I want what is in this picture but do not know how to find it
What # of perlite is ideal for final container and what size is ideal for solo cup pre transplant?
I am not sure if I should use #3 or #4 for my 5 gallon and what size I should use for my solo cup?