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  1. G

    Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

    Maybe it does within your small echo chamber, I'd recommend you get your news from not cnn
  2. G

    Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

    Just came here to say Bernie will never be president. Right leaning americans will never vote for a commun-er-socialist, and neither will centrist americans. Trumps taking 2020 by a landslide, and that's a good thing.
  3. G

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    I ordered them from alibaba. Came with all the parts, I had to assemble
  4. G

    How are your plants doing? Lets get some beautiful looking girls on this thread!

    Flipped these to 12/12 on jan 10. First grow. Using 480w at the wall Samsung 301b diodes. Running an aggressive nute schedule with holland secret nutrients