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  1. H

    My first Grow how am i looking so far?

    Seriously? What grade are we in here guys?
  2. H

    Opinion wanted, OG Kush and Mex. Airlines

    Yeah 30 days after they break soil I would expect them to be about the size of a basketball based on the FB plants I have grown. And 'autos are smaller by default' isn't really a thing - autos, if anything, take off faster than photos so if anything I'd expect them to be larger than photos at...
  3. H

    Rut Row - Root Rot?

    Hi. Dynafem WW xxl auto, 9 days from transplant (16 from germ), DWC, 2 air stones per bucket, nute tea 2 days old (AN Sensi A&B + B-52 + Rhino Skin all at 2ml/l, or 1/2 strength). 320w QB at about 20” and 50%. RH is low (~35%), temp in 70s. Roots just popped through yesterday and are growing...
  4. H

    USB Scope came in...

    Worse - I actually took this on my desk with the scope in a stand. I clearly have some focusing skills to learn.
  5. H

    USB Scope came in...

    I'll take a few sample buds from around the plant tomorrow but I do have a foxtail I snipped off this morning and had with me. Pics attached for fun. I'll try to get some good shots this weekend but so far this is a pretty cool toy for $15.
  6. H

    Closer. Week 8 of flower started yesterday. Thoughts?

    OK thanks. My understanding is that in DWC you really only need to flush for a few days - does your 2 week recommendation apply to hydro as well as soil?
  7. H

    Closer. Week 8 of flower started yesterday. Thoughts?

    Still no USB microscope. Hopefully today. Thinking the one on the left with the foxtailing colas (Tangie) is probably ready. Thinking of one last feeding Saturday and then flushing next Wednesday (DWC) and chopping on the 25th. Obviously I'll know more once I can get a good look at the...
  8. H

    USB Microscope comes Monday

    Thanks, and you don't know how right you are about my friend. Do you think they'll continue to stack up or are they probably done growing?
  9. H

    USB Microscope comes Monday

    These three plants start week 7 of flower today. DWC, 40-55 rh, 65-75f, GG4 Auto, Crit Purp Auto and Tangie Dream Auto, all from Grower's Choice. 3 x 135w actual blurples, 2.5 gal res with 2 stones per. Nute changes and res scrub Saturdays, top off w/ Ph'ed water Tuesdays and Thursdays...