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  1. Purply

    Can I make feminised seeds from male plant?

    Dang, thanks for clearing it up. Guess I'll just take my chances again
  2. Purply

    Can I make feminised seeds from male plant?

    I'm probably stupid but I bred my own seeds a little while ago, my friend has grown 5 which turned out to be male, I have grown 3 which turned out to male. I currently have five growing and it looks like two are going to be males, and the other three are yet to show. If they all turn out to be...
  3. Purply

    Is this light burn or something else? Maybe potassium deficiency?

    My last grow done this. I added a little extra of my normal feed and they sorted themselves out. I presumed it was potassium but maybe nitrogen for the stretch too
  4. Purply

    Is this purple natural or a deficiency?

    I wouldn't worry about it. I'd try and keep night temps a bit higher but it'll be fine either way. I had phosprus issue once and the whole leaves turned deep purple, supposedly I might have locked the plant up with too much calcium
  5. Purply

    Leaf issue

    I looks like they need more p&k. I could be wrong though, I'm still fairly new
  6. Purply

    Marks on leaf after watering

    Thanks for the link. That's cleared things up a lot, I didn't realise that's how the oxygen was stored in coco. That's just coming up to two weeks in the larger pots so I'm sure theyll get more thirsty now they've really started to grow
  7. Purply

    Marks on leaf after watering

    I haven't used anything except the canna coco a+b and rhiztonic. They are on a half doze. And I was planning on that being the last feed of rhiztonic. There is plenty of perlite in the coco to help with air too. And it was 8 days since the last feed, I thought that was too long but the coco...
  8. Purply

    Marks on leaf after watering

    Thanks a lot for your help. I've bought some calmag which should be here for tomorrow so I'll spray them with a light dose of that. It's only the bottom leaves that have it at the moment but it's spreading. It just came on so fast, the image is from 15 hours after watering
  9. Purply

    Marks on leaf after watering

    Thanks. I have added pictures. They're showing at the top of my post as attachments. Should I do it another way?
  10. Purply

    Marks on leaf after watering

    Hi, I've came into my first problem. I have tried looking through forums and elsewhere but I'm just not certain of what the problem is. I think it may be a pH problem, but maybe a calcium deficiency? Coco coir Black dream by Eva seeds Fed with canna coco along with some rhiztonic. This is...