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    Samsung F Strip Build

    What happened with cobs? You know there are ones out there with 197 lm/W at 50W for around 25$ that you can simply stick to cpu heatsink, but i only see strips lately?
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    Calcium deficiency with well water?

    0.1 is very soft water. I don't know exactly how much GH micro contains it, but i think people usually add about 150 to 350 ppm of cal mg.
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    Calcium deficiency with well water?

    0.1 EC? You need cal mg. But your nutrient feed may be too strong too.
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    Autoflower VS Non Autoflower Yields

    I had only autos myself. Have question about speed on photo-periods, what if flipped to flower earlier to achieve about yield as auto, lets say 100 g, whats the fastest they could finish? I think im gonna try 12 12 in future with more plants to make for it.
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    Need help first time outdoor grower Melbourne

    Its gonna deplete soil around your neighborhood for a century, thing is bigger than your house:clap:. I was joking, looks fine to me. What strain?
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    Need help first time outdoor grower Melbourne

    Yeah things may go really wrong
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    Grow light recommendations ?

    I recommend diy. BXRC-35E10K0-C-7x-SE Test results; 855mA 66.2V 56.6W 11056lm 195 lm/W, 1710mA 69.4V 118.7W 19463lm 164 lm/W Unit price; 18 -28 €, digikey; 23,33 €.
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    I think I'm ready for my first chop - Can I get a second opinion really quick?

    I always check calyxes, that's those little bumps from which hairs grow out. I ignore sugar leaves or even other bud material, and its good to harvest when there are about 20% amber, i know they say thc in amber drops, but its about overall ripeness i think, you will always find some clear...
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    Late Flower and she is not doing well - What am i missing ?

    I've been experiencing lockout and buildups always during mid or late flowering even when feeding bellow schedule. Now i drain to waste, i dump about 20% of runoff every time and i rarely see any dead leaf.
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    LED Replacement Question- Help with (hopefully somewhat) Easy Fix (Urgent)

    Another option is perhaps check driver ratings (probably they aren't very efficient tho) and see if any reasonable new age led's fit, if i could not find a board i think some cob would fit, single or in series, values don't have to be exactly the same, led's can be a bit under driven if you find...
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    LED Replacement Question- Help with (hopefully somewhat) Easy Fix (Urgent)

    Those are bypass zener diodes i think not resistors in case if led dies the others will still work. You could replace leds with something even better than current ones but you should be careful that they operate on lower voltage than zeners. But i think led cases are also soldered onto metal...
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    Help Please, calcium problem I think.

    If you have severe lockout and nutrient build up run-out ph will be very acidic from my experience.
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    Cheap LED vs expensive advice

    My vote on above suggestions also, i don't think there is better choice out there especially for that price. They will outperform your current lights greatly, you wont be sorry, i had china burple and went to similar choice, now i wonder why i ever went for burple.
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    Cheap LED vs expensive advice

    If you have a bit electrical knowledge you can diy 240 W from wall, top quality lights (180 lm/W or so) for around 150 $.
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    Yellow leaves at bottom.

    It does look like nitrogen, either is the lack, or roots of that particular plant cant absorb it.(soil ph (calibrate ph meter regular also), watering practices, runoff ppm). Perhaps you fixed it by increasing the dosage and it wont spread. Best of luck.
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    Yellow leaves at bottom.

    On photo i don't see many yellow leaves, just one particular with some additional spots. Usually, they don't get yellow if they are just a little splashed, perhaps they get only spots, but, those on the bottom do get yellow if they are submerged couple of times, splashing pushes them down to...
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    Yellow leaves at bottom.

    I don't see very clearly, but to me, it could be splash damage from nutrient solution, did you water it over the leaves? I know my get damaged like that, nutrient solution for roots is just to strong for leaves.
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    My cat ate from my 2 week old plant...

    I wouldn't expect any drawbacks, you're lucky, my cat ate whole small plants once. Protect it, cats are, as im sure you know now, crazy about it =D.
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    High N "flowering" nutrients

    No its epidemic stores are closed and so on, nothing else =D. Thank you for your anwsers.
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    High N "flowering" nutrients

    Perhaps these nutes are better for other plants. I thought all flowering nutes supposed to have low N, so i did a mistake and buyed nutrients without looking at ratios. I do add PK as i noticed a bit dark leaves in beginning of flowering, i believe plant responds to ratios its not just toxicity...