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  1. Big Richard

    What is this?

    Update thanks for all the replies things are looking better know besides that one that decided to grow into the light. I found a great local grow store as well that has helped a lot
  2. Big Richard

    What is this?

    Thanks for the reply I repotted and gave a drink of cal mag so hopefully it gets better
  3. Big Richard

    What is this?

    You where absolutely right tons of roots I never would of guessed they would have so many already. Got transplanted in bigger pots. Thank you all for the help
  4. Big Richard

    What is this?

    Will do today thanks
  5. Big Richard

    What is this?

    I do not mist I also just bought a bottle of cal mag. And raised light. I look forward to this forum and tips thank you for the fast replies
  6. Big Richard

    What is this?

    Hi guys first time grower checked plants today and noticed little brown dots on some leaf's did I just kill my plants I'm not feeding yet all I been doing is watering any ideas thanks in advance