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  1. J

    Any suggestions on fattening up her buds

    Thank you guys all of you appreciate it was worried I was going to yield some skinny immature looking buds
  2. J

    Any suggestions on fattening up her buds

    Have three mature plants in mid to late flower lost track of weeks they always seem to take longer they are under a 2000 watt Amazon light or 240v got the adjusting dial cranked to 11 my Mylar area is not enclosed the room is 12 by 12 so probably losing a lot of good light but I’m just working...
  3. J

    One plant less bushy and healthy looking than others

    Ah I do see the lean and the opening up! I was starting to wonder if it wasn’t getting good lighting cuz the indicas leaves were healthy wide and green and the sativa was looking like Charlie browns Christmas tree glad it’s just me overthinking as usual thanks
  4. J

    One plant less bushy and healthy looking than others

    Thanks for the wisdom bud will do
  5. J

    One plant less bushy and healthy looking than others

    So I have three plants in the early/aggressive bloom stage I usually trim the leaves as they get bushy and block light from lower satellite chutes my one plant the eldest didn’t come back from the last trimming as well as the other two I know they usually don’t produce fan leaves after veg stage...
  6. J

    Plant died and then came back to life

    Woke up and checked my plant and all the leaves had fallen out of nowhere checked on it before bed and it was looking a panic I figured change the res water probably had toxic ph level and clean the air stones and lines and see what happens and now the leaves are making a come back but...
  7. J

    Overwatering or lightburn or nute burn helppp

    Thanks for the wisdom much appreciated
  8. J

    Overwatering or lightburn or nute burn helppp

    I started out with just air stones the more I read stuff online the more unnecessary shit I bought took the pump out wondering if my lights hurting it too cuz of the yellowing on the leaves
  9. J

    Overwatering or lightburn or nute burn helppp

    Yeah I germinated in paper towel then moved to rock wool I think the constant water flow to the net pot was keeping the Rockwool soaked
  10. J

    Overwatering or lightburn or nute burn helppp

    First attempt at growing probably shouldn’t have tried a hydro set up for my first go but after a rocky start I finally got a 4 week old seedling but now I can’t figure out if my 300w led spectrum light is too close to my plant at 16” away with only the veg switch on or if my top feed pump...