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  1. Stervin

    The Coming Economic Collapse... Fact or Fiction? You Decide!

    Of course Ameros exist. Anyone can go to the bank and buy them TODAY! They are already in print.
  2. Stervin

    leaves growing or pistils?

    Cool. Thanks man.
  3. Stervin

    leaves growing or pistils?

    Can one determine sex of plants while still in vegetative stage?
  4. Stervin

    Good Sources to creat C02 in a closet gro

    Try spraying club soda.
  5. Stervin

    growing weed in prison new help

    That'll take some incredible brain power to pull that off my friend. Not to mention being surrounded by untrustworthy, agressive motherfu#@ers.
  6. Stervin

    80 Marijuana Plants Seized At Valrico Home, Deputies Say

    "Theft of electricity." A well deserved pinch. Dumbass...