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  1. K

    Changing reservoir in RDWC

    Fasho! Ty ^.^
  2. K

    Given my situation, what would you do?

    Hi guys, Im currently running a 2 plant RDWC in a 3x3 tent. Im getting close to the end of flowering and am looking to change my grow up. I have two 3x3 tents in my room but one is not in use due to laziness of setting up another tent for ducting/filtering/etc. So my tentative plan is to buy a...
  3. K

    Changing reservoir in RDWC

    Hi, I have a quick question about my water pump. When I change out my 10gal reservoir I tend to suck air into my pump that I'm using to get out all the old water. Is this okay? the sound it makes is slightly causing me to be concerned about it. Thanks for reading, KK
  4. K

    Lighting leak question

    Thanks alot, this is super helpful :)
  5. K

    Lighting leak question

    Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I dont know where else to ask. The light inside the tent is leaking out kind of alot and im wondering if its dangerous for me to be inside the same room for 12 hours or more a day? The light is a 1000watt black star hydro, I see that there are...