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  1. N

    Seed Pod or Swollen Calyx

    Just wanted to see what people thought. I’m coming on my ninth week of flowering and I’m not sure if this structure (the round bulbous structure about 1/4 from the top) is a seed pod or a calyx. I think I’m close to harvest... was going to this week but now I might wait another. Thanks.
  2. N

    We’ve got girls, right?

    Will do. Right now I’m growing Girl Scout cookies and Blue Monster.
  3. N

    We’ve got girls, right?

    Thanks for the responses and the confirmation! Much appreciated. Just a quick follow-up question: should I be checking all bud sites or are the female pre-flowers in one or two locations indicative of how the rest of the plant will be?
  4. N

    We’ve got girls, right?

    Took some snaps of what I think are pre-flowers on my two plants. I just switched my lights to 12/12 on Saturday. I’ve got girls right?
  5. N

    stunted seedling?

    That’s about how mine looked a week ago and now they’re on their 4th and 5th nodes respectively. Just give it time. Plus, they probably slowed down a little from the transplant.
  6. N

    Water-Insoluble Fertilizers and a Foliar Feeding

    That certainly makes sense. As I get further into my first grow, it’s becoming more and more apparent that there are techniques which are better suited to more experienced growers - HST, foliar feeds, ect. Ultimately, I may just scrap the idea of foliar feeding completely. But since I already...
  7. N

    Water-Insoluble Fertilizers and a Foliar Feeding

    I’ve been doing some research but I cannot seem to find the answer to this question: can and/or should you foliar feed with fertilizers that have water-insoluble elements? My understanding is that “water-insoluble” suggests that the element needs to be broken down in order to be available and...
  8. N

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Take my advice with a grain of salt since I am on my first grow, but don’t be worried about the pots drying up. They likely aren’t as dry as you think they are. My understanding is that you want to leave them, if anything, a little under watered. Every time you water, the water will travel...
  9. N

    Is this a Cal/Mag issue or am I just impatient?

    Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. I did finally take my plants out of the solo cups and transfer them to the full pot. They’ve been growing much better but I’m still seeing some indications of stress - whether it be a deficiency or over abundance of something is hard to tell. I do not...
  10. N

    Is this a Cal/Mag issue or am I just impatient?

    Thanks for all of the replies. My major concern was that I’ve been reading and researching and coming across many other grows where people’s plants are on their third set of leaves on like day 8 and I’m already past two weeks and barely have my second set of leaves. Regarding the light, I’m...
  11. N

    Is this a Cal/Mag issue or am I just impatient?

    Got impatient waiting for a response so I decided to transplant them from the solo cups. They had roots poking out the bottom of the cups and when I transferred, you could see that the roots were wrapped several times around the cup. They may have been getting a bit root bound? Not sure. I’ll...
  12. N

    Is this a Cal/Mag issue or am I just impatient?

    I should also mention, the smaller seedling is a darker shade of green than the bigger one and the leaves are a little more crinkly. The other plant, besides growing super slow, staying short, and having red veins and stem looks relatively healthy otherwise.
  13. N

    Is this a Cal/Mag issue or am I just impatient?

    Hi all, I am having an issue with my seedlings and I am not sure whether I’m overreacting or whether there is actually an issue. I am experiencing slow growth it seems and I have red stems and veins My seeds started germ on March 31st and were planted on April 3. I’m in Roots Organic soil...
  14. N

    PAR/PPFD by stage

    Also, if your grow light has veg/bloom switch, is there any way to reliably estimate the PAR of using only the veg switch without using a meter? The manufacturer typically only provides par values for the grow light using both switches. Thanks.
  15. N

    PAR/PPFD by stage

    Hi there, First time poster but I’ve been lurking around the board for a little while. I’m posting to ask about PAR/PPFD values at various stages of your grow. I know this topic has been discussed but I still have yet to come across an answer to my specific inquiries and still do not fully...