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  1. G

    should i cut them

    Farkin hell, I havent been on this site for over 12 months and I see Brick top is still spewin the same bullshit he was then :sigh: Give it up dude...
  2. G

    You Really Want It Legal?

    Do I need to weigh in on this conversation?????? Read me my user name bitches!!!! You can bitch and moan all you want and it ain't gonna change shit! Cannabis will never be legalized, deal with it.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke: roflmfao This is me >>>> And this is you >>>>
  3. G

    Guns and Growing.

    I don't mind people disagreeing with the pro-gun stance of this thread, but ffs, can't they at least put up an arguement that has the slightest bit of intelligence attached to it? Instead we get, your a ni**er, your all rednecks, your a wannabe gangster. Ignorance is bliss I guess...
  4. G

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Thats it comes to the dark side... we can show you tax evasion and law breaking on an unprecedented level muahahahaha:fire::fire::fire:
  5. G

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Legalization will never happen. Look at the new "puppet", his strings are already being pulled....lmao
  6. G

    Guns and Growing.

    I have guns and I grow aswell but its a risk you take I spose.
  7. G

    Just had two Mormon visit my door....

    I agree there is very little chance of a higher being, at least the way religion sees it. But you can be an atheist and still live morally....
  8. G

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Do you think or read before you type?? I did say I would prefer it to be decriminalized. Look at tobacco, can you legally grow that? No. MissI'veGotAnOpinionOnEverything go dribble shit elsewhere.:finger:
  9. G

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Before you guys and girls judge me have a think about whats going on here. As far as I'm concerned I'm doing the community a service. Not all people who smoke weed can be bothered or have the opportunity to grow themselves. So there is a large percentage of smokers who like to just buy their...
  10. G

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    NO. I don't want dope legalized. I want it decriminalized. Stop imprisoning non-violent drug offenders. If it is legalized how the fuck are we supposed to make money?? Do you want to hand over growing rights to the government or third party? Do you want to see them make millions of dollars...