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  1. M

    Is it dead?

    It survived
  2. M

    Newbie with yellow tips

    Takes time. Let the soil go bone dry then use a good PH water
  3. M

    PM. Early harvest ???

    Separate the clean plant (g13)asap. PM spreads.....
  4. M

    Identify my deficiency

    Fox farm nutes ,weak 5 of flower. Ph is between 6-7 . In 3gal coco but the core is soil from cloning. Should i use some dolomite lime or just flush ?
  5. M

    Identify my deficiency

    Ive noticed spots on the upper fan leaves and the lower... please help identify the problem
  6. M

    Underdeveloped top flowers?

    Bag seed. Week 9 flower. (Slow do to bad light)The top seems to have majority white pistils but the lower nugs look good. Some of the sugar leaves have started to turn amber. Last two feedings have been distilled water... I know pictures aren't the best but can anyone give me a guess on when to...
  7. M

    Is this nute burn or a deficiency? HELP!!

    Looks like nitrogen deficiency
  8. M

    Issues starting

    use paper towels and a plastic bag to germ seeds. Save the rooters for clones
  9. M

    Is it dead?

    It was raining during this photo.
  10. M

    Is it dead?

    Stunted at transplant. Left for dead outside in Michigan early April. Looks like it might have some life..
  11. M

    Plant looks a little Droopy...

    Haha ya i also vegged for 90 days!! Lol appreciate the response.
  12. M

    Plant looks a little Droopy...

    Anyone wanna take a guess how far away harvest is?
  13. M

    Plant looks a little Droopy...

    My first grow. Some bag seed. Think it is an Indica. Week 5 of flower. 600W Led Looking for some outside opinions on overall health.