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  1. K

    First feed for clones in coco/perlite

    Yeah they all have a heap of roots. I’ll start them off at early veg, thanks man
  2. K

    First feed for clones in coco/perlite

    My past 2 grows prove that the chart is fine.
  3. K

    First feed for clones in coco/perlite

    Where should I start my clones feeds off based on this chart? Seedling, early veg, mid veg or late?
  4. K

    Canna coco a+b

    Also, do I need any additional supplements? This is my first grow and I was getting comfortable with flora trio.
  5. K

    Canna coco a+b

    Hey guys, I’m in week 4-5 of flower and have run out of my general hydroponics flora bloom so I’m switching over to canna coco a & b for the meantime until the bloom arrives. I’m currently in the mid bloom faze for this feeding schedule which I have been following. I’m planning on adding the...
  6. K

    Is this bad? (Roots coming out the bottom)

    Awesome! Thanks for the info guys :D
  7. K

    Is this bad? (Roots coming out the bottom)

    So my 2 gals are about 6-7 weeks old and I’ll be flipping them to flower on Monday. They’re in coco/perlite in 7gal fabric pots and the roots are beginning to push through the bottom of the pot. I noticed it a couple days ago but thought it was the stitching until I had a closer look this...
  8. K

    550w actual draw LED height

    That’s sweet, I’ll download one. Thanks for the info
  9. K

    550w actual draw LED height

    Should I also be following the same manual for light intensity settings? Or should I be running at 100% in veg?
  10. K

    550w actual draw LED height

    I was just wondering how high I should hang my light for each stage of growth for each stage, seedling-flower. The users manual recommends that the light should be hung at heights of: 44-48 inches for seedlings/young veg 36-44 inches for vegetative stage 32-40 inches for flower Is this...
  11. K

    Leaves sprout before root

    Update: the seedling broke the surface and seemed to be doing fine until today when I applied a light feed and actually uprooted the seedling. Although after doing this, I could now see that the tap root was actually still trapped within the seed shell. I gently removed the shell and replanted...
  12. K

    Viparspectra par1200

    good to know, my tent is 4x4, I’ll have 3 plants in there and the light will be on full power. So Calmag first, micro second, gro and bloom in any order? Lucky I asked lol Also it says the actual power draw is 543, but should I check this myself?
  13. K

    Viparspectra par1200

    It’s my first grow, that is why I am asking for information. Is the light no good for a budget light? yes I am using reverse osmosis water. I am yet to give them a feed other than cal-mag as they have just sprouted. The information I found online suggested that flora micro needs to be added...
  14. K

    Viparspectra par1200

    Anyone running this light that would be able to give me some pointers? Medium is coco/perlite and flora trio + calimagic for nutes
  15. K

    Cotyledons curling

    Thanks man, happy to hear!
  16. K

    Cotyledons curling

    Hi,I have 2 critical orange punch in solo cups filled with coco/perlite which are only days old and the cotyledons seem to be curling up. They are under a viparspectra par1200 and the rh in the tent is roughly 50% so I have added clear plastic cups on top of the solo to keep them humid. Temps...
  17. K

    How much water for seeds in coco solo cup?

    Thank you again for the help
  18. K

    is my light ok for seedlings?

    I have 3 seedlings in solo cups all broke the surface under 3 days ago. the light I have in my tent is a viparspectra par1200 (1200watt LED). Should I be putting them under this already or is it too intense? The guide given by viparspectra for the amount of light for seedlings is 60% veg and 30%...
  19. K

    How much water for seeds in coco solo cup?

    I’m using flora trio + cal mag, I will start giving feeds tomorrow
  20. K

    How much water for seeds in coco solo cup?

    Thanks for the info, this is where I heard it, roughly 3 mins in What are you feeding with when they first sprout? Thanks