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  1. J

    Is it time

    Thank you so much for all the information
  2. J

    Is it time

    So my girls are now done with week 8 (GG4). Do you think I should start flushing or wait other week or so.
  3. J


    So I don't want to make the same mistake with this run. Could you please give me some tips. I am about 39 days into flower. I know i still have probably about 3 weeks left but thought I would check. This is GG4 strain
  4. J

    Leaf issues

    What could be causing this to some of my leaves to have holes and browing on the edges Thought the light might have been too close during their seedling phase. The rest of the plant looks healthy.
  5. J

    New to growing

    What could be causing this to some of my leaves. Thought the light might have been too close during their seedling phase. The rest of the plant looks healthy
  6. J


    What would cause the browning. It is about 6 days into dryin. I thought maybe more of a red hair strain?