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  1. T

    Third auto grow

    I've been using a generic 2-1-6 plant solution not specifically for cannabis since I started my first grow and they yielded average. I'm guessing it's the temperature that's hindering them from really going (could go up to 31C some days). Unfortunately, I don't have an AC unit and not planning...
  2. T

    Third auto grow

    Hi all! this is my third grow and I'm wondering if my flowers are on track and is there anything I should take note of to be better at growing. I am growing an Auto Amnesia. It has been 55 days since sprout. Feeding with 2-1-6 nutes @5.5pH. Do I need better nutes? if yes any recommendations...
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    Give nutes or nah?

    I'll just leave it alone for now. Maybe I'll try reducing pH to 6.
  4. T

    Give nutes or nah?

    a 2-1-6 solution
  5. T

    Give nutes or nah?

    I'm growing an auto AK indoors which is sprouting its second set of leaves but the first set are still kind of small to me. it's already 10 days after germination. Do i start to give extra nutrients? Water - 6.4 pH water when medium is dry Temp & Humidity - 27-29C 70-80% RH Medium - Peat moss...
  6. T

    Root rot?

    Medium I'm using potting mix of peat moss, wood fiber and perlite. Light 45W Full spectrum 380-800nm 144 LED (6 IR, 6 UV, 6 White, 36 Blue, 90 Red) currently about 20" above the top of the plant previously 23.5" above the top of the plant Nutrients Not using any currently, though i have a...
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    Root rot?

    i took out the husk yesterday, the leaves look pretty good to me. But it has grown taller than before and looks lanky so i lowered my 45W LED a bit. Does it look healthy for day 5 after germination to the seasoned eyes?
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    Root rot?

    Probably will wait for day 8? before i manually remove the husk. Hopefully all goes well. i sowed this one about 1/2" though probably would do 3/4" next time. thank u for all the inputs!
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    Root rot?

    is it safe to gently remove the husk now or should i just wait for a few more days for it to drop by its own? not really confident to remove it as I've never done it before.
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    Root rot?

    well i started a new seed and here's a pic with no purple. How is it looking after 4 days of germination? is it lanky?
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    Root rot?

    plant died
  12. T

    Root rot?

    Alright I'm preparing to replant in drier medium. Shall update. thanks!
  13. T

    Root rot?

    so it's not root rot? should i leave it to dry or do i need to remove the dampened part of the root?
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    Root rot?

    Hi everyone. I'm a new grower. Is this root rot? i just want to be sure.
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    like using an LED and a CFL light simultaneously on the plant particularly at seedling stage.
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    can we use different types of grow lights all at once for the plant?
  17. T

    First time grower

    thanks for the tips! i'll look into getting stronger HPS lights for later stages.
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    First time grower

    the stem is kind of weak that it droops in the middle part, so i used something to support for now. What can i do about the stem?
  19. T

    First time grower

    is a 40W LED purple light good enough or too much for the seedling stage?
  20. T

    First time grower

    Im not sure what strain is this, got it from a random baggy. This is day 4. Planted it on a potting mix(not really sure the ingredients not stated on bag). Using single 13W CFL light at about 5-10cm away from the seedling. Have a little fan to blow on it. Watered every 1-2 days. Anything i...