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  1. B

    Close encounter with police (story)

    wow that's crazy, can't believe you got away with that hehe. i got a good story too. i was with buddies in the car and we just got done smokin alot of bowls, so im pretty destroyed at this point. we are driving up to amherst college in Mass and we got 6oz on us in a back pack in the back seat...
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    a trick i learned

    i was wondering if anyone else holds there nose when they take hits? i do it and i can definitely hit it harder then if i didn't.
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    What is best thing to use instead of water in a bong?

    well not the response i was hopin for but no biggie. i've tried snow in the bong and thats a favorite of mine. I could barely feel the hit. and usin Hawaiian Punch is awesome and it does flavor the hit. and you can always wash out your bong.
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    What is best thing to use instead of water in a bong?

    So what have you found to be the best combo. i have used Hawaiian Punch and ice and that had been one of the best tastin hits i've ever had. i would really to see what are some other good combos
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    i got a joke

    its just a joke
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    i got a joke

    Handicap bathrooms. Ironically the only bathroom big enough to run around in.:bigjoint:
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    LED's Lights what do you think

    So me and my friend are figuring out what kind of stuff we are going to need. For lights we were going to use LED's. Does anyone have any experience with LED's and how they liked them. Pro's and Con's?
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    i said you were the man DAMN IT!!!!

    i said you were the man DAMN IT!!!!
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    Where's the craziest place you've smoked weed?

    The top of a Church where the bell is. i was pretty awesome going up there but coming down 4in long stairs while baked was a challenge
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    Is this what being high from weed feels like?

    what kind of weed are you smokin? thats has alot to do with what kind of high you will feel. Highs are usually broken up into body and mind highs. Getting high is different for everyone but you seem to be on the right track. i personly like to use bowls,joints,blunts,bongs,and waterfalls to get...
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    When does the smell start

    thanks for the info, i figured that the strain would determine the type of smell. i guess ill have to play it by nose(man so corny)
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    When does the smell start

    I just had a quick question about smell. At what point in the growing process does the plant start to smell? if i was standing a few feet away would i smell it.
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    You the man You the man !!!!

    You the man You the man !!!!
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    touching the buds while trimming and what not

    Had a quick question. i know its not a good idea to touch the buds with your bare hands while it is still growing (even what you trim them?) i was wondering if you should use latex gloves or some thing like that.
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    Smell control when drying?

    thanks for the info i will definetly keep that in mind. ill probly just spend the 60 bucks and save myself the time
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    Hey everyone I'm from Mass

    hehe its always best to be proactive
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    Smell control when drying?

    Wow that really helpfull. thanks for the link
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    4 day bud dryer for $40.

    Wow thanks for the super discription. that was really helpful. I really gives me a good idea of what im gonna do. thanks for the wisdom
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    Hey everyone I'm from Mass

    Sadly we don't get high grade stuff, i usually get KB or around that potency