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  1. H

    Little Help over here, Please

    Buck info! Yes I read it but just missed that part my brother. I was more into the pictures he posted of his plant. My back people.
  2. H

    Little Help over here, Please

    RDWC.. like I say I'm a noob sorry. Thought I can help with some of my info I've learned. Hopefully it'll help someone.
  3. H

    Little Help over here, Please

    Oh sorry you growing by RDW and not soil. My back. I missed that one.
  4. H

    Little Help over here, Please

    Also just in case you may not know,water your plant till you get 20% runoff water and wait till the pot feels light again before watering or just do the finger trick stick your finger into the medium till the first knuckle and if it feels dry then its time for watering.
  5. H

    Little Help over here, Please

    Hey I'm a noob to growing as well! What I've learned was water should be from any range between 6.0-6.5PH feed water. This chart explains what the plant gets at this range, notice I said range and not a specific number. Here check this out: I...
  6. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Thanks Mr. Green! Auto correction is a pain! .
  7. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    @ sheeshm this advise is for me of oVirtual?
  8. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Cool bro! Good luck. Let me know how much you get off that one!
  9. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Cool that's my next run autos.My is northern lights she not an auto. And I'm doing an all organic grow.With autos you can harvest faster and they don't grow that tall.
  10. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Watsup oVirtual thanks I won't be feed her no more,just water at pH. So as far as the red stems my plant start getting it with the how toxicity issue! I'm a noob to this. I started last month!. But she looks good! I don't think you should worry to much about it. Just keep an eye out. What strain...
  11. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Update: so far she's looking better and she is getting busher and smelly! Some of her older leafs are dry and I gently pull on one of the dryer leafs and it rip a little! Also her stem is leaning a bit I'm try to put her straight by pulling with a rope and that pink clip. @ Mr. Green thanks bro!
  12. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    Ok thanks bro I appreciate! I'm going to just water at 6.2-6.4ph.
  13. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    The reason I ask is because it's affecting the new leafs.
  14. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    I was think a flush? So I can take it out from the roots.It's affecting the new growth.
  15. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    So what should I do? And what type of toxicity is it magnesium toxicity?
  16. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    I'm thinking it's a magnesium toxicity. I have no idea what I'm doing.... I pH her water at 6.4 today with half a teaspoon of Epsom salt in plain water! I'll give her some compost tea in two days or so. Please help!
  17. H

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    So now the new growth is starting a little dark green as well. And help in getting better?