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  1. N

    Light colored patches on her leaves.

    What are these "light colored" patches on nearly every leaf of this 3-week old seedling? I've spent considerable time researching this issue but have not figured it out yet. -It's a "bag seed" idea what strain. Sprouted in some organic seedling soil and transplanted into FF Ocean Forrest in...
  2. N

    What's this??

    I only grow one plant at a time for my own consumption so I usually keep 'em small and spend a ton of time fussing over my "vegetable GFs" my wife calls these short lived relationships I have with young ladies upstairs. I did an extensive exam over the rest of the plant and couldn't find...
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    What's this??

    HydroKid239, post: herpies Hahahahahahaha!...zzzzzactly what crossed my sick mind!
  4. N

    What's this??

    Hello friends, anybody have any idea what this is? The pics are 20x magnified fan leaf tip, top and bottom sides. I noticed a small brown spot on the leaf tip and pinched it off and examined it more closely. Plant is in week 6 of flower after a brief 4.5 week veg and no other evidence of spots...
  5. N

    Is this mold or what? Is it salvageable?

    Yup, I'm not too bummed, it's all just an experiment for me anyways. I have a clone of that plant that I just flipped, so I'll get another crack at her.
  6. N

    Is this mold or what? Is it salvageable?

    Thanks everyone, I took the whole plant down and trashed any bud with signs of mold... definitely a week or so before I'd planned to harvest so I'm not expecting much. Definitely learned something with this and will pay closer attention to air circulation in the future.
  7. N

    Is this mold or what? Is it salvageable?

    Most of the mold is on the main Colas which I snipped off. I inspected the remaining plant well with a loupe and removed anything else that looked questionable...lost close to half the plant. Are the moldy buds garbage or is there anything I can do when them? Canna butter maybe?
  8. N

    Is this mold or what? Is it salvageable?

    My grow room is a converted bathroom with heat/ the exhaust fan 24/7 and I have a couple other clamp in fans to move air around. I leave the door open when the lights are on to keep it from getting too warm and close it when the lights go out at 1:00pm. The lights come on at 1:00 AM...
  9. N

    Is this mold or what? Is it salvageable?

    Bag seed (Durban Poison I think) 8 weeks into flower. Grow room is kept around 75 degrees and 50%RH. I have another flowering plant in with this one...should I remove this girl, she's almost ready?
  10. N

    Am I close?

    Thanks for the input, makes perfect sense!
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    Am I close?

    Thanks for the quick replies...kinda what I it's a good time to start flushing, right?
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    Am I close?

    Here's my first grow...What do you think? Getting close? She's an unknown "bag seed" strain and I made all the rookie mistakes...PH issues, too much water, too much nutes, fungus gnats, crappy Burple grow light (now under a Spider Farmer SF1000)... but still managed to get this lady to flower...
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    1st grow, need help determining sex

    thanks for your insight...much appreciated
  14. N

    1st grow, need help determining sex

    Hello, this is my first grow using seeds that I found in some Durban newbie here. Plants are both around 4 weeks, though the taller one is several days ahead of the other. The tall one looks to clearly have female "pistols" (though males supposedly grow taller?) the shorter one...