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  1. T

    greybeard seeds

    Honestly, I've ordered from probably every single bank, breeder,reseller u can imagine, and as far as shipping time, and being consistent with seeds that pop, I'll order from greybeards before I order from 90% of these other guys. Fastest shipping hands down, to where I am located anyways. If I...
  2. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Jesus Christ bro alright. I'm me on every site I use, really was just getting something off my chest, and when I had that much to say, I ddnt pat attn to punctuation, is what it is, I said what I had to..
  3. T

    Autoflower Cuts

  4. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    On a diff note I FOUND A FUCKING ROSE BUSH IN MY BACK YARD!!!! HAHAAHA. Has anyone else done anymore reading on if it was actually possible to graft cannabis to them? It sounds crazy but man I really wanna try it now lol
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    Autoflower Cuts

    Ok so I'll just jump in here and say this, I do know *geniusdude* personally, we met at the supply store that I wrk at sometimes. He actually is a pretty talented grower with a pretty sweet set up.. I get why he was frustrated but I did tell him he was a jackass for jumping in here thinking he...
  6. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    I really think this should be a thing in here somewhere... I'm gonna go walk my property tomorrow And look for a rose bush I think I remember seeing and try n research it a bit more. I think that would probably be one of the coolest things I've ever seen if someone can pull it off!
  7. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Yeah man this convos sort of lit a fire in my brain lol I just bought and moved Into this place I'm in now, and spent all my time so far getting my rooms up and running but I kinda remember in the back yard there was an ol rose bush that ripped me up when we were clearing trees. I'm gonna go ck...
  8. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    What bugs got u bro? I k ow once u get them it can be a mofo getting rid of them. I keep squirrel cage fans on the floor and 4wall mount oscillating in a 8x14, so far I've been lucky, but I also run co2 which is a pretty damn good deterrent in itself. Depending which hoper's ur talking about...
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    Autoflower Cuts

    Yeah man agreed and I know so w of the stuff ppl do might come across as dumb to some ppl but at the same time, alll great discoveries were at one time drowned upon might not seem like it rn, but really who's to say, so e of these guys on hereibht just accidentally stumble one the next big...
  10. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Hahahhahahahhah or big old juicy granny Smith apple growing where his cola should be hahahahahahhaa
  11. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    We can all learn so.ething from someone bro... Facts!! I'm glad this thread came BK to normal lol that dab break was necessary for everyone I guess lol.. happy growing bro!!! Science and mother nature really know little boundaries. Where there is a will nature will find a way in most cases...
  12. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Hahahahhaha it would be sweet maybe I'll get a rose bush and impress my neighbors it would be really cool
  13. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with...
  14. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with...
  15. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Dab time.. .that's another thing I have a shitload of question about. I've got the whole closed loop extraction system, but I've been hesitant to run the fucker and I just keep buying wax. I've got 2 5 gal buckets full of mtf I need to run, who on here is well versed In extraction?
  16. T

    Not terribly worried, just curious as to what some of the other growers on here have to say about this.

    Yeah man I'm trying something like what ur speaking of right now in my big room. I usually just run autos in my tents, but I've decided to burn up some beans before I bought new ones, I dropped a few pots so I'm only running 15, but recirculating, it's gonna be a wicked pain In The ass I already...
  17. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    I greatly agree with this statement.... Regardless of what ppl are doing and if anyone knows what the outcome will be(fuck it, let ppl learn for themselves, and who knows maybe someday one of these guys will have discovered the next big thing!) , it is supposed to b a brotherhood where even if 2...
  18. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Lol ohhhhhhhh I hear those are becoming more and more common nowadays hahahaha!! Should be a hunting season put into play before they try to take over hahaha
  19. T

    Autoflower Cuts

    Lol no sir I'm me on here and on Instagram as well, I do ramble alit, but when I get an idea I. My head I like ha e to say it or do it or put it into action or it will drive me nuts so I just send it lol... Is what it is. O.C.D bullshit? I am from Maine tho so I might know this Canadian cat...
  20. T

    Not terribly worried, just curious as to what some of the other growers on here have to say about this.

    I'm thinking it was just a freak seed or something? I mean it's the same media same ratios(perlite/soil/Pete/perlite/wrmcastings/etc) and this fucker literally just shot for the stars lol and it's structure is WEIRD( diff pheno maybe) but it was just this one plant, and I did try everything I...