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  1. G

    Some unhealthy seedlings

    My first time planting them straight in there big pot ahaha hard to tell when the top layer of soil is bone dry but just remembered to stick your finger in to check if the soil a few cm deep is moist ffs ahaha
  2. G

    Some unhealthy seedlings

    Thanks mate ahahahaha I thought they might of been would you say to just leave them dry out? And I’ll attach the mix I used now, I did mix the 2 together
  3. G

    Some unhealthy seedlings

    Hello everyone. I’ve just planted 3 autoflowers straight into the ground into some all purpose compost mix and some peat-less soil mixed together the peatless mix has some food already added to it. I’ve got a few concerns with these new seedlings as seen in the photos. I don’t know if this is...
  4. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    Thank you everyone for your help.
  5. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    Thank you , should I just let them dry out
  6. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    Would u say that’s the issue for all my problems
  7. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    Thank you very much
  8. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    They have there own pot for each
  9. G

    Growing issues with autoflowers

    Hello everyone I’ve just started to grow my own buds . I planted them about 2 and a half weeks ago and have some questions and issues I planted 2 white widow autos and one northern lights auto (the smallest one in the pictures) and I am worried what the issues might be. the northern lights is...