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  1. D

    First Harvest

    I don't know man, the damage on the top leaves is getting heavy, are you sure?
  2. D

    First Harvest

    I am now at 9 or so weeks into flowering. I am wondering, how long till harvest? I was giving them till friday but am still unsure if I should wait a bit longer. The fan tips are getting burnt and the leaves have gotten significantly brighter green and I know this means they're almost ready.
  3. D

    Rust spots

    Orange is no longer spreading. When do you suggest I flush prior to trim?
  4. D

    Rust spots

    Update: i did the botanicare with 4 ml/gal until runoff with DI water. Without the litmus, i wont know pH, but they should be here by thurdsay.
  5. D

    Rust spots

    I am using fox farm happy frog mix and have been utilizing bone and blood meal along with lemon juice concentrate with water. I don’t have litmus yet, as i just ordered them today (should have gotten them a while ago), but i really think it might just be pH. I tried using an analog soil tester...
  6. D

    Rust spots

    Hey everyone, i have two plants in flower and one of them are showing rust or orange spots on the leaves. My two questions are: can i still smoke this plant or is it too late? And is there anything i can do to fix this at this stage? I thought it was calcium so i added bonemeal. Its been 3 days...
  7. D

    First Grow, Checking for Hermie

    You guys are fantastic, thank you guys so much. Woke up this morning to two stigmas poking out of what I thought was a banana so I am feeling a lot better.
  8. D

    First Grow, Checking for Hermie

    Hey yall, this is my first grow. A little background, I used Happy Frog with 10% extra perlite and a mixture of bulb bloom during vegetative and bone meal during flowering thus far. I don't have the best lights so I take my plants out during the day (even built them a sunshade for this summer...
  9. D

    Need an expert

    Do you adjust the pH of your own distilled water or are you using tap water? Also when are you checking pH with respect to pH adjustment as well as with respect to addition?
  10. D

    Ph Changed in pre-mixed nutrients overnight

    As a chemist, I can attest for the above statement. The pH perfect has buffers that cause resistance to pH change. If you checked immediately after addition and swirling, it may take a minute to readjust to its equilibrium.