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    Ph soil mistake

    Ok thanks everyone plants have been on veg since 4th they was very small clones so when do you think I should start feeding I will be using biobizz
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    Ph soil mistake

    Leave water sitting for 3 days before I use it and it’s alway around 7.8
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    Ph soil mistake

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    Ph soil mistake

    I always leave water for at least 3 days before I use it and it’s alway around 7.8
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    Ph soil mistake

    So I just stoP With the ph as I don’t need to ph soil
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    Ph soil mistake

    Plants was very small when they was cutting just under 3 weeks now
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    Ph soil mistake

    Yes just strange how the ppm and ec are at the top of my blue lab yet there are no signs of problems so do I just leave and stop using ph down in my watter
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    Ph soil mistake

    Ok I’m completely new to this and I have always been told to ph my water I’m using all mix and yesterday’s I tested my run off ppm and it was sky high yet the plants look like there’s nothing wrong with them I’m not adding any food there only 3weeks in veg .now on looking up the ph on this...