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  1. C

    First grow issues

    I flushed, but then resumed a quarter strength nutes. Does this look like I should harvest it?
  2. C

    First grow issues

    Actual picture attached this time
  3. C

    First grow issues

    Update - one of the two kicked it. But the other one... Heart of a fucking champion. Question - I used a loupe and the trichomes appear clear but the pistils are all red. See picture. Harvest time?
  4. C

    First grow issues

    Yes I've swtiched to tap left overnight with a freshwater aquarium stone in it. I'm using 2 part pro-mix bx and 1 part pearlite. For a flush how much water do you use? And when do you add the nutes post flush? I'm using Megacrop right now. I was adding to the PPM equivalents of the...
  5. C

    First grow issues

    Any further thoughts on this? Thanks for all of your help
  6. C

    First grow issues

    So I'm trying to right this ship (by doing less). I corrected the ph by switching to tap water, gave it a good flush until run off was clear. Let them dry out then watered again yesterday. The leaf situation is just not getting better although growth has gotten somewhat better since oh...
  7. C

    First grow issues

    Thanks! So these issues started before I added any nutes which is why I added them. I think I was 2-3 weeks in before I added them - the plants have been super slow. But I have likely overcompensated now. I guess my ultimate question is: what can I do to save these? Should I water with just...
  8. C

    First grow issues

    Interesting. I read it was nutrient-less and was following the Megacrop directions. So you think this is toxicity?
  9. C

    First grow issues

    I went to 18/6, raised the ph by switching to declorinated tap water, and added a bit of epsom on the last water. I've let the medium dry out since. These guys are still in rough shape and it seems to be progressing. Are these guys doomed? I feel like I'm 50/50 whether I'm doing too much or too...
  10. C

    First grow issues

    Thanks will try changing photperiod. For autoflowers I read that after germ you should go right to final pot. Do you still recommend the solo cup route with the added info it's an auto, or no? Appreciate your help!!!!
  11. C

    First grow issues

    Thanks for the replies. First change I made is to tap versus distilled to try and raise the pH. I had planned to do that anyway. I initially did distilled to limit variables but it appears all I did was introduce more of them. One thing I did not mention is these are autos. Not sure that...
  12. C

    First grow issues

    I just recalibrated my pH meter and my runoff is actually more like 6.1. I have some calcium carbonate lying around. I'll research how to apply it. My tap water pH is naturally higher - wonder if I should switch to tap water (air stone for a few days to bubble off the chlorine) and pH down...
  13. C

    First grow issues

    Also my lights have been 100% about 28" from the top reading lux at 55kish
  14. C

    First grow issues

    More pictures - only two plants btw
  15. C

    First grow issues

    Using 2 parts Pro-mix BX to 1 part pearlite in 7 gallon smart pots - on week 4ish - it's my first grow and I have not kept proper notes. In a 4x4 tent in my basement. 72-77 temp and 50% humidity. I have an oscillating tower fan in the corner and an AC infinity 8" fan and carbon filter. I have...