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  1. M

    Help cut too early

  2. M

    Someone please help me save this!

    Can I cut the good parts with no mold on them and dry them out/ are they salvageable?
  3. M

    Someone please help me save this!

    I just started flushing them on Friday that’s the only changes I’ve done
  4. M

    Someone please help me save this!

    I’m also a newbie. Thank you
  5. M


    I have 2 plants in flower/tent they have been doing amazing and then when I checked them this morning they have mold on them !!! I have another one ata friends house in flower 5weeks in flower and all the leaves are curling up looking burnt. The buds are amazing but still very wet. I cut the...
  6. M

    Someone please help me save this!

    Help, I have 2 plants that were in flower they were fine 2 days ago and last night. This morning I go to check on them sand they have mold !!! I have another plant that is in flower and the buds look amazing but the leaves are looking burnt and the buds feel wet. I don’t want to lose it, what...