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  1. DAYGO

    Table Sugar?

    in jorge cervantes's bible. he recommends molasses or sugar in the final weeks prior to harvesting.... bigger buds, and resin increase..... just thought i'd share alil info from a BIBLE. lol haha. enjoy.
  2. DAYGO

    Nirvanna Seeds

    is it safe to use a credit card?
  3. DAYGO

    foxfarm nutes or BIO BIZZ nutes?

    i have 4 soiled, and 3 aero for the soil, they are entering flowering TODAY! and i havent given them any flowering or bloom nutes. (yesterday i gave mostly water, knowing i would be introducing bloom nutes, to prevent from any kind of block up.) so the question is... do i use foxfarm...
  4. DAYGO

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    hey DOCTA! help me out. whats going on with this lady? i think it may be nute block.... 3 and a half week from seedling, under a 400hps, and LED. the other plants have the yellow edges, but no other signs, like this on plant has. this plant has the only problems. any help would be great thanks.
  5. DAYGO

    Who Smokes Before They Work Out?

    i do, it helps me
  6. DAYGO

    what is wrong with my plant in the corner??

    is this nute burn? seems like one of the fan leaves is turning alittle yellowish and then today the edge kinda burnt. on the smaller lower leaves, they have yellow outlines on the edges, as you can see... its directly under the hps, but it passed the hand test (to see if it's too hot.)... not...
  7. DAYGO

    safest payment method for seeds>nirvana

    whats the safest way to pay for seed off nirvana, im concerned about safety and not allowing anything to trail back to me, (credit card) but sending cash seems like it would take too long.... any info?
  8. DAYGO

    best way to order seeds from NIRVANA

    thinking about getting some papaya seeds off nirvana, has anyone heard good or bad things about the site? also, how safe is it to order it via cash to california? and what are the penalties? *im gonna send cash, but am still worried about giving an address for them to ship it to...
  9. DAYGO

    Led + hps any tips?

    thanks, sounds like thats what i'm gonna do, i'll just start positioning my panel around the plants as a compliment to the 400 w hps, iwas thinking though about maybe an hour of led first, then 11 more of hps and LED, once flowering begins. yay? nay?
  10. DAYGO

    ph down

    whats the best way to apply it to soil? any help?
  11. DAYGO

    Led + hps any tips?

    here are some pics, entering 2nd week of veg. so, still young! 11"
  12. DAYGO

    Led + hps any tips?

    well i just figured, the added red and blue light spectrums may help add a real full light source. the hps is way more over powering, and the area may actually just be 3x3, not 4x4 like i stated before.... the LED is more an accessory, the plants under it seem to becoming a little bit more...
  13. DAYGO

    Led + hps any tips?

    hey everyone, i have a 400 w hps light covering 4 plants in a 4x4 closet. the catch is it's on half the closet, the other side is a 55 w LED panel, titled to try and cover all 4 plants, so essentially all 4 get both lights, but 2 get majority HPS, and the others majority LED, kinda cool...
  14. DAYGO

    Mr. Nice G13 Hash Plant (Sensi Seeds) aka - G13xHashPlant - Is it worth the money?

    are you crazy? clones go for 10 bucks.... sorry bud.
  15. DAYGO

    will this work? 400watt HPS and a 55 watt LED

    hey everyone, i have a small, 4x4 closet, holding 4 ladies. overhead i have 1 x 400w hps light, as well as a 55 watt LED light panel. one is on the left and the other on the right side, the key is that while each light is directly over 2 plants, both lights cover all 4 plants. see...? ^...
  16. DAYGO

    1st CFL grow...Do my plants have nute burn?PICS

    too much water homie