I've been having alot of issues one after another. Not to mention I went from flowing back to revert because I couldn't Wake up in time to put on the lights. I just ordered a timer.
So one of my plants has a grayish White moving up the stem from the base and all the leaves are basically wilting. And the other plant it's lower part of the stem towards the base it's smaller than the top is that normal? So the first 5 photos are the first question and the last 3 are pictures...
I've been trying to water every second day but I'm new to this and I think I over water a lot how often should I water a plant that size like my other one is growing perfectly fine
I had just stopped one of my plants it's been a few days and now all the leaves look like they're dying or wilting can anybody give me any advice ?this is my first time growing. I will put a picture below.