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  1. L

    Any Plumbers here? (union or not)

    I went thru the plumbers union apprenticeship in NY, The apprenticeship part sucks school and all but everyone has to start some-wear go for it. Union work is rarely dirty as in #2/#1 and muck, but standard dirt and grime, Most union work winds up being new work or renovations. You will...
  2. L

    Show me your super-hots

    Whites is a great vendor but you have to be carefull with his seed thats not labeled 'iso' as much of it winds up being cross pollinated. This place has a great reputation --- New Mexico state university --- Chile Pepper Institute | New Mexico State...
  3. L

    Any one can point me in the way of a good hemp seed vendor of viable seed ? ?

    O im very familiar with cannabis, I also see no reason why their seeds cost anywear near what they do, But it is what it is. By the way one of the few vendors I found is charging 150.00 USD for 500 seeds, Blue forest farms. Thanks for the response.
  4. L

    Any one can point me in the way of a good hemp seed vendor of viable seed ? ?

    Im looking to try my hand at growing my own hemp, for the medical benefits to suplement my D8, any one have any links, most of what I find looks way overpriced for 'bird seed'.