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  1. goingreen2020

    Propaganda or real?

    So I've been taking a break from smoking (day 76, but whos counting :)) anyways I was on a forum and someone mentioned that weed is linked to heart attacks, think they said something like "let 'em smoke and they'll stroke out". I thought that sounded pretty far fetched so I did a search...
  2. goingreen2020

    quick question about becoming a Maine mmj card holder

    Recreational cannabis is $50 1/8th + 15.5% tax (Mass was 25% tax) Medicinal cannabis is $25 1/8th no tax (can be found using for $99-125oz delivered in 20min in York county) I used cannacare telemedicine. Cost $50 and you pick the date & time they call you...
  3. goingreen2020

    Yay Virginia!

    Welcome :) It's a great time to be a grower & even better when its legal. What types are you growing? I just started some Green Crack (Sativa hybrid) and Caramelicious (Indica hybrid). I'm using a Spider Farmer LED grow light in a 4x4 tent. I'll probably pick up another light when they...
  4. goingreen2020

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Day 6 Spiderfarms 100W LED @ 24" Do you think these are leggy?
  5. goingreen2020

    Holiday Grow

    1st grow here This is my 2nd Grow. I'm using Pro-Mix Sunshine for the seedlings. When I move them into their 5gal pots I'll be mixing in soil & perlite 50/50/30 Heres a few baby pics :) Day 6
  6. goingreen2020

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    She has a great laugh. Per the comment section as to why she was laughing: Some federal allowance got a top-up and she was reading up its supposed breakdown. Of a total of $20, $12 are for the medication, $2 are for travel vouchers, and the rest are for the international travel tickets. She...
  7. goingreen2020

    Holiday grow

    100% (7) of the seeds sprouted long tap roots. I just moved them into solo cups. One of them fell a bit sideways in the hole but I figured she'd find her way up to the light and it was best to leave it alone rather than try to dig her out and drop her in straight. Q: This Pro-mix Im using is...
  8. goingreen2020

    Current Flower Prices

    Wow, great prices! Do you have a link to an online store?
  9. goingreen2020

    Current Flower Prices

    Hello, So I'm curious what you guys are paying for flower these days? If I want to buy it for recreational use from a retail store its $400 oz + 25% tax. Super pricey and the flower reminds me of mexican brick weed due to how compressed it is and turns to dust when you try to break it up...
  10. goingreen2020

    whats your favorite game while stoned?

    Quake 3 Arena FFA
  11. goingreen2020

    Holiday grow

    No fertilizer.
  12. goingreen2020

    Holiday grow

    Not sure why I always think I bought autos when I didnt. I have Green Crack Feminized and Caramelicious Feminized. I just floated 3 Caramelicious and 4 GC. The seeds have been stored in small sealed plastic bags inside a Otterbox inside a draw. (see pics below) I'll be using FloraMicro...
  13. goingreen2020

    Holiday grow

    Hi all, Hope everyone is healthy & happy. I've been taking my vitamins, so far so good. Im unpacking & setting up my grow tent tonight in hopes that I'll be able to grow a batch of auto's in time for the holidays. Not sure if I'll be able to have it in time for Thanksgiving or not but its...
  14. goingreen2020


    Heres the link to Dr. Korys Senate testimony on using Ivermectin for covid.
  15. goingreen2020


    please dont tell me what to do on rollitup...
  16. goingreen2020


    Thanks for the replies. Just woke up from a 6hr 'nap' and am feeling much better. If things dont improve after day 10 I'll start looking for a doctor. I did pick up some Ivermectin, which is a horse dewormer & parasite killer. Some youtube doctor was saying Ivermectin taken prophylactically...
  17. goingreen2020


    I typically dont smoke bud. I smoked an ounce last Christmas with little to no withdrawals and before that I smoked a few times during the summer of 2014. This year I smoked my 2 plants (3oz) during December (my 1st grow & had to harvest them early). I would wake & bake and stayed high the...