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  1. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    there you go again...the thread should be renamed losers who blame everything on, you have a lot to learn son!
  2. weedRus

    First time grower. Need some input

    I use advanced nutrition and they basically have a new bottle for every 2 weeks until the end. Hydro only needs a short time to flush compared to soil.
  3. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    how about getting it right before running to your computer and spreading discord. Think before you speak son!
  4. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    well, you are a earth is God freak. Global warming, lmao!
  5. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    even though I don't think youre brain dead...just Biden, lol...had to get a jab in...cheers!
  6. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    lol, you sound like Biden...brain dead!
  7. weedRus

    First time grower. Need some input

    How long do you normally wait until you flush?
  8. weedRus

    First time grower. Need some input

    Did you flush yet?
  9. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    A friend of mine...8-)bongsmilie
  10. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    the c. silver will make your plant look like hell but that means its working
  11. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    Here is my female gold leaf with pollen.
  12. weedRus

    Tri-leaf seedling.

    yes, as long as you give it a little help. A fan will spread it around fine. Watch out , cannabis pollen is like a teenageger in heat, it will pollinate all your females. Let me show you on female gold leaf I have pollen sacks on...
  13. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    are you back again from your nap?
  14. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    that's what I'm hearing on my end also. That's why I started this post because I'm pro-cannabis and pro-crypto...both are very similar
  15. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    lol, Im retired at an early age unlike you. You are one funny little kid
  16. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    are you still eating your moms hot pockets? Go back to bed and let the adults handle this...peace son
  17. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    lol, can you read? LMAO! I never said anything of the kind...please go back to school. Peace little grasshopper
  18. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    no, I never said crypto was useless...please inform yourself on what I really said...peace out
  19. weedRus

    i love growing marijuana

    i read through the forum and you definitely are clueless. From your posts it shows you really have no clue about my industry, youre just a shill that hangs out on forums. Peace out son!