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  1. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Thanks for the advice mate. I personally just cant get over the fact people have done grows in storage containers/dams/buses/caves/anywhere that is anywhere etc, but people seem to think it would be almost impossible for me to do the same thing. I'm not sure I really giving people the best idea...
  2. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    To be fair, it is spread over 2 grow tents, but he says he uses 120w and 250w halogen for each stage, and I've seen the results.. I wouldn't lie to people i dont know for absolutely no reason whatsoever/no gain etc. But fair enough, maybe asking the wrong person for advice.
  3. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Thanks for the advice bro! Definitely a diesal set up needed I reckon. 7.5kwh and above would do the job.
  4. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    I think you're right with diesel being the way to go. With rechargable generators, I think id need to have eight 10ah batterys, have 4 running, 4 charging and rotate them, but it would be too often, too expensive, and not really powerful enough. I think diesel will be best, like you say just...
  5. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Oh wow, still not enough sunlight to make it work in Australia. Does seem like this will be tough
  6. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Thanks for tha advice pal. I'll make sure I take eveything into consideration, especially the fumes aspect. I wint be spending much money until ive
  7. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Ok mate thanks for the advice. I'm not an electrician no, I'm more on the plumbing side of things. I do have a friend tho who's trust worthy enough(saying that tho, you never 100% know if theyll keep quiet do you) I get to live in a house pretty much free of charge, so that's why it's not an...
  8. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    It's a long running high powerd diesal generator, so as far as I'm aware, the down time is when you switch it off, and the on time is when you fill it with diesal, oil and coolant, and let it do its thing. That really isn't a cheaper way. I'd have to buy all the same equipment for a room in...
  9. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Ok brilliant. So that could easily work then, just got to have the generator out of the shaft. Yeah I was looking at 7.5kwh diesal generator. Is his generator easily enough to power everything for the day? I.e would what I'm suggesting last 18hours with a 1000w light and couple of other bits...
  10. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Dont worry about kids finding it.. that's not happening. So are you saying, a 1000w light, couldnt run of a 7.5kWh diesal generator with a 30l capacity? When you say wont yield dick, have you ever tried to grow without overestimating what you need? I.e grew in shit conditions?. Because I think...
  11. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    It's so confusing when I get this advice. I've attached a picture of a diesal generator. It is built to last upto 30hours running time(so completely intended for continuous use). can you tell me why you think it wouldnt power anything for longer than an hour or 2? with a full tank of diesal...
  12. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Fumes were a worry! Thank you. Could you run the generators from out of the room and run the cables through the roof? It seems most people thinks it's a bad idea. Theres opportunity to brick it up to make it into an room like youd find in a house. If the generator was in a separate section...
  13. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Why tho? People can run houses off generators, so I dont get why I couldnt work out what to buy, so I can run a couple of lights.
  14. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Haha m.k(location unknown)
  15. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    How would you suggest mate? Dehumidifier, ac, fans?
  16. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    I reckon i could get 1000w running off that 12-12 pretty easy right? or even better two lights? Running 18-6 would be great for autos, but then you've got to deal with bit of extra cost, and end up having to turn the lights off at silly times. With autos tho, the price of red diesel per crop...
  17. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    I've seen those ones, definitely on the would possibly work list. What do we reckon about these?..
  18. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Ok, that's pretty interesting, there's a small running stream but cant imagine it being powerful enough. I think a diesel generator would be more efficient for power and running time. It's just the fumes it might produce underground that I'm worried about. I have access to red diesel, and I've...
  19. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Cheers pal. Think diesel might be the way to go. I've got access to red diesel aswell, which will help with costs. Determined to work something out, cant be Impossible. First crop will be expensive, because ive got to buy the generator etc, but once it's there, the following crops would probably...
  20. L

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Yeah I've seen solar panal charging ones. Could potentially use them, would definitely save some time. Would possibly put the panels in the tops of tree and run it down into the "shaft". That would get enough sun, but abit scetchy that somethings on show. As for temperature, it's already about...