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  1. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I just bought it
  2. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i can’t promise anything Reza incase I flake out on buying it but I will keep you upto date
  3. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Oh right thanks for heads up. So I just get part a and buy the cal nit locally yeh? Yeh I would be keen to do that Reza
  4. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sorry Reza I’m a bit dense which 2 part? Just a heads up I couldn’t organise a piss up at a brewery lol
  5. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks again Reza i will get the regular stuff fisureand yeh it does make a good foliar but I need to step up my game... I read one of your post on foliar strength and routine with cal nit and took a screenshot for reference
  6. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    That’s great to know it will be well worth the effort if it becomes a problem. This is the cal nit I have do you think the mag zinc and boron will go well with mega Crop? I can just get normal cal nit to be safe if you reckon.
  7. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Knowing my luck customs will lol. Oh I will have to go over your old posts to see how much I need to add when the time comes. I don’t really have grower mates but I can’t refuse a discount so big bag it is. Appreciate you taking the time to respond Reza, have a good one cheers.
  8. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Nice one you are set for a while. Do you think the new formula has enough of everything for a lazy grower to use without additives? I think I read that you had to provide customs with information on it, will I have to do that on 2.5 kg order?
  9. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hi Reza thanks for the response it’s because of you I want to use it. how do you like the new formula?
  10. Dreamin11

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hi everyone happy holidays to all. I have been learning a lot from this thread not to mentioned been entertained. I now want to try mega crop nutrient but popsgarden is out of stock. can anyone tell me where else I can buy it?