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  1. Actingbusy

    Lucas Formula and Water Farms with controller

    Thanks for replying.... Well after a thorough search on this forum and others, I have found a few people with about 15 yrs combined experience using the Lucas Formula and the Waterfarms and they have all confirmed what I assumed. You just need to top off the main reservoir with PH'd Full...
  2. Actingbusy

    DIY Ultrasonic Fogger Cloner

    Just my experience... I tried the very same thing for a DIY cloner and the water temps were my biggest problems.... Possibly a larger container would work but mine was similar sized to yours and I could not get a good balance between fog and temp. I set the timer for 10 on and 15 off and not...
  3. Actingbusy

    Quality PH monitors

    Yea I at one point had black DWC buckets in the tent and sure enough... 4 weeks into Flower, I got root rot on 3 out of 6..... A sad site to see but I learned from it and continue to learn as I go... :blsmoke:
  4. Actingbusy

    Quality PH monitors

    Appreciate the input.... Had just done a cleaning of the temp sensor prior to taking that pic so it hadnt stabilized the reading. Res Temps usually hang around 69 degrees... A convenient number.... :-) but it works... I keep the reservoir outside of the Grow Lab Tent and my house temp is usually...
  5. Actingbusy

    Quality PH monitors

    Ive purchased one off of Ebay.... similar looking to the Nutradip in the post above... Same color and all but directly from Gains Express <----- Ebay Store Name (Ships From China). I was regretting it at first when it arrived as it looked kinda cheaply made. Still cost me about 125 with...
  6. Actingbusy

    Anyone purchased from Texas Hydroponics before?

    They were caught up in a DEA investigation about the time of your post. I was near their Houston Store a few days after visiting friends and seen an actual DEA agent with typical DEA Jacket and Cap locking up the store. They were closed for a few weeks at that time. At least the Houston location...
  7. Actingbusy

    Lucas Formula and Water Farms with controller

    Ok here I go... I have just started up my 2nd grow and on this round Im using the GH Waterfarms with controller set up in a 6 pack configuration. Ive read through the ASK LUCAS FORUM and cant get a straight answer on this question I have. I have a full time PH / PPM Monitor monitoring the...
  8. Actingbusy

    quick question on rainforest system

    Just my personal experience, the only time I ever shut down the vortex sprayer using the RF 66 was when I was checking ph and nute strenght. Other than that, I kept it on 24/7 with no adverse affects at all. Ive just finished my first grow in the RF 66 so feel free to ask away any other...
  9. Actingbusy

    Looking for info on Automatic lemon skunk

    I have one in flowering right now... She is about 14" in height and about 8" in width. Reminds me of a spade. 1 main cola and the branches protude from the bottom of the main stem to half the height of the main cola... Looks like it might be a full oz of dried bud in the end. Hope this helps
  10. Actingbusy

    Mdanzig's Blue Ryder. Anyone have Info or pics ?

    Same opinion here... My single Blue Rdyer that did sprout is only up to about 6" in height and doesnt show any signs of it stretching. 34 days into its life cycle and is also completely covered in white hairs. I have a Auto Lemon Skunk right next to it that reached about 12" in height but with...
  11. Actingbusy

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    I switched out only one of the 6" sites for the 2" clone sites and so far so good. I started using with rockwool cubes but ended up buying 2" neoprene inserts to hold the clones in place. So along with that and Clonex, my success rate is now at about 80% as opposed to 50% rate I had with the...
  12. Actingbusy

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    Impressive grow... I am a Rainforest User myself but was forced to place my ladies into DWC buckets due to over crowding in the Rainforest so I ended up ordering the 236 Lid Kit for the Rainforest and use it exclusively for rooting my clones and seedlings. Also had a Papaya as my first grow in...
  13. Actingbusy

    Aeroponic Fogger / Cloner

    As long as you use water soluble nutes, you shouldnt have a problem. And yes, the results are incredible. The root mass is almost furry! So many fine hairs build up on the roots. Make sure that you use Nutramist foggers or at least replace your current fogger discs with the Nutramist ones. They...
  14. Actingbusy

    Aeroponic Fogger / Cloner

    Ive been using a nutramist single head fogger with the ceramic coated disks and so far so good. I placed the fogger inside a EcoGrower 66 and using it as a supplement to the drip method. So far so good and I havent had any clogs. 4 weeks of use so far.
  15. Actingbusy

    How much can I get for her if I sell her?

    Consider selling the equipment if you really need money but like everyone else posted. It would be a hard sell not knowing if its male or female.
  16. Actingbusy

    PC SCROG *6 week flower* i call it Blackberry

    Read through this thread and WOW... frkn Impressive what time, skills and the given amount of space can produce. Ive always been more of a quality over quantity anyways. Sweet grow. Mind posting yields when you get a moment?
  17. Actingbusy

    Need Help! DWC Think I have Magnesium Defeciency!!!

    Ive ran into the same problem using an RO water filter system. Im 1 week into flower and 2 weeks ago I started using RO water. Sure enough, I wasnt adding anything to compensate for the calcium and mag being filtered out so now I have an obvious problem. Ive ordered some Cal-Mag and from what I...
  18. Actingbusy

    Need Help! DWC Think I have Magnesium Defeciency!!!

    Doesn't really look like a mag def. Whats your watering schedule? Are you using RO water?
  19. Actingbusy

    Too much water?? check out the pics!

    I doubt it would be too much water. I have Rain Forest Eco Grower and Ive consistently have ran it 24 hrs a day on the drip system with no problems at all. Some people say you shouldn't but this is just my personal experience. Its worked well for me.
  20. Actingbusy

    Rust Spots on Large Fan Leaves

    Yea I ordered up some cal-mag and as soon as I get it, Ill start from scratch. When I change the reservoir, I first check and balance my PH to 6.0 and run pure water for 24 hrs to flush it. Then add the nutes at 50%, check the PPM 12 hrs or so later and then add the remaining per the feeding...