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    White Widow, GSC, Sour Diesel Auto Update

    It’s been a long time since I updated as my schedule has been full lately. Here are all 3 autoflowers as of this morning: back left: sour diesel (day 27), back right: white widow (day 37), front and center: GSC (day 27) Since my last update I obtained a Taotronics cool mist humidifier to...

    GSC Auto Lower Leaf Discoloration/Decay Progressing to Upper Leaves

    Hello Everybody, I've been searching through various resources to self diagnose a potential problem with my Day 19 GSC auto flower but I'd appreciate some insight from you all. She's been doing quite well recently, until I noticed some lower fan leaves showing signs of distress that must have...

    WW Day 13, GSC Day 4, SD Day 4 Auto Update

    Hello Everyone, My last post failed to upload pictures of the GSC and SD seedlings on their first day, and I hope to avoid that problem going forward. The seedlings are responding well to 4-6 fluid ounces of water about every other day. Between watering, I've misted the top layer of soil to...

    White Widow, Sour Diesel, and GSC Autoflowers

    Equipment & Setup: Mars Hydro 2x2x5 Grow Tent Mars Hydro TS-600 LED Grow Light FoxFarm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest Soil Perlite Honeywell Turbo Force HT900 Fan 2 Clay & 1 Black Plastic Nursery Pots Lacrosse Indoor/Outdoor Hydrometer/Thermometer Vivosun 3 Gallon Fabric Pots One-Wrap .5" Velcro...

    Seedling Discoloration

    Thanks for the heads up, I've got some 3 gallon fabric pots on their way via UPS and they should arrive by Wednesday. I'll have to wait until then to transplant but I'll keep your advice in mind for the next time I drop new autos. I appreciate it!

    Seedling Discoloration

    I appreciate the thorough and detailed insight, thank you. I'll make sure to refer to this for future use.

    Seedling Discoloration

    Haha I'm glad to see someone with a similar setup! Thanks for the tip on watering, I've been trying my best to avoid this simple mistake as best I can.

    Seedling Discoloration

    Thank you for those concise directions, I appreciate it.

    Seedling Discoloration

    The attached photos were taken under natural afternoon light in an attempt to provide an accurate visual of what I've got going on. I have her in the tent underneath an LED at all other times, but the model I have doesn't have a dimmer setting, so I just raise and lower it as needed. I have it...

    Seedling Discoloration

    Hello Everyone, I began my first grow earlier this month and sprouted a White Widow auto 6 days ago. I'm growing in a 2x2x5 tent with a Mars Hydro TS-600 LED. I sprouted the seed using the paper towel method and placed it in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I planned to start the seedling in Happy...