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  1. Y

    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    wheres all the love at u
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    day 47................
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    yea bro they have been im still working on it its mah first still learning and shit
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    mayne these bays are getting super fat day 38...let me know wat u guys think...:weed: day 38
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    im working on it..b easy bruh
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    day 26..let me know wat u guys think
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    wats up some new pics for u guys..let me wat u think day 26
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    thanks guys...yea i talk to a guy at hydro store today he told me hes using the same thing in a tent with four plants and he said it works smell at all...but im jus gone have wait till next week see if it works or not..hopefully it have sum new pic up today for ya all
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    fuck bruh u think so mayne...i spend like 100 dollers on that shit i hope its works and i dont have any money to buy new fuckin filter...
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    yea bruh the filter works fine no smell at all..i like it better than the other onces its smaller and weights way less and easy to put up...
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    Thc-expo-\so-cal anyone going

    fosho im be up there..
  12. Y

    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    thanks all this is jus to
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    first grow 2 master kush 1 purple kush 400 watt hps

    what's up guys this is my first new to all this shit.. i had 4 plants 2 purple kush and 2 master kush..had to chop one of the purples cause it was a male. i'm using a 400 watt hps with a 6 inch inline fan...the temps in the room is around 81 to 84 when the lights on and 78 to 80 when...
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    9k first grow

    niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i jus love it...
  15. Y

    I have PK 13/14 by canna, Someone please tell me how to use it?

    np mah dude im jusing the same shit...jus add 6 teaspoons with ur nutrients but only for 2 weeks and then go back to normal....
  16. Y

    kickass bagseed 3week in flower indoors

    wat watts light are u using...
  17. Y

    Male or female?

    mah bad bro but thats a male...
  18. Y

    How much is this

    thats shit dont look so good mayne..u need to get on that kush but i say about 16 grams..