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  1. IndicaFavor

    need help....

    Try to find some bigger pots and transplant them into more soil. A 2 gal container of potting soil per plant will make for a cozy fit. If you can't find something that big then atleast get them into something that holds a gallon or 2 lieters. I dont know much about those aero beads your using...
  2. IndicaFavor

    A use for bong water?

    Reminds me of the story that my friends dad told me. They use to fight over who got to drink the bong water, lol. I don't think that it would taste any worse than a 80 proof spirit so I could consider it drinkable.Thanks for the reply fellas!
  3. IndicaFavor

    A use for bong water?

    Whats everyones opinion on using a day or 2 old bong water on your plants? I've done it once befor, didnt seem to hurt it any. I was thinking that the resine in the water could be re-absorbed into the plant. Another one of those blazed thoughts, Whats yours?:joint:
  4. IndicaFavor


    I have a blue heated sunbeam, it got to the point where I didnt even bother plugging it in. However when it was new it would heat the bed in 15 minutes prior to jumping in. I never did look for another, figured they were just another product that is cheap china crap.
  5. IndicaFavor

    need help....

    They are looking healthy, you root system looks to be the biggest limitation so far. As far as smell, they won't be really noticeable until you get 3 or more weeks into flowering. Until then they just smell kind of green. Venting to the outside or a carbon filter will be the best. If you keep...
  6. IndicaFavor

    need help....

    You can do it...change them to flowering. Veg for another week man if you got the space. A good rule of thumb I learned is to veg for alittle over half of your useable space if its small/med and then start flowering. Patience pays off, might as well yield as much as you can.:weed: :joint:
  7. IndicaFavor

    first timer pics/suggestions/help

    Heres some resources:
  8. IndicaFavor

    first timer pics/suggestions/help

    Wilting leaves can be from heat/thirst. I'll look into the yellow tips and see if i can find something interesting for ya.
  9. IndicaFavor

    Rate my 18 day old plant!

    Lookin Good, heres mine at day 25
  10. IndicaFavor

    My grow advice needed

    HPS are the way to go for sho! ;-) Im upgrading slowly myself, currently on my first indoor attempt, all other experience was gained outdoors.
  11. IndicaFavor

    My grow advice needed

    I got ya, either will do. I like the 2nd option but the first is fine. Even just moving your exising lights closer. Just get the light closer and keep it warm. It will pick up. Hey try moving your seedling into the corner and placing your lights on the outside of the plant. The wall will...
  12. IndicaFavor

    My grow advice needed

    Hey theres lots you can do with 50 bucks. What do you have around the house? Nails, wood, pallets? Anything that you can think of to create an enclosure? What stores are in the area? I started off really cheap, 2 utility clamp lights (7 Dollars a piece) and 2 pack of GE 28w 6500K( also around...
  13. IndicaFavor

    Is it possible - plant showing sex 2 weeks old in veg

    Kruzty, looks to me like its the first male preflower. The top node, left side 3rd pic looks the most suspicious to me as far as a male plant, flag it. The top 2 look like regular preflower/veg.
  14. IndicaFavor

    How to keep heat and humidty inside my grow closet?

    Try a Oil- Filled space heater with a good thermostat. This one is 15". Link:
  15. IndicaFavor

    How to keep heat and humidty inside my grow closet?

    On a budget: This will get you thinking in the right direction. Got$: Buy/Search Humidifier I wouldnt worry about it too much at the stages your at now. You've got a way to go with developing your new space first. I never had to worry...
  16. IndicaFavor

    Flowering fertilizer

    I would do a local search for a hydro store near you. I've had some good luck with Green Light Super Bloom from Lowes. It does have Urea(3%) in it but its a 12-55-6 w/ .10% chelated iron.
  17. IndicaFavor

    Help With CrawlSpace Growroom

    You may want to have a look at the threads on Pinching and Bending. If you cant go tall go bushy. i make due with 32 gal garbage cans(bottoms cut to allow more space), it can be done bro : ) Also, if you got dirt in that crawl space dig out spots for your plants to sit down into. That should get...
  18. IndicaFavor

    Does anyone use Generators?

    This trick my father taught me. For 3 years now hes had his electric bypassed under the ground by the meter. We did the inside work first, installing a new breaker box and transfering the circuits over to the new box. Things that were moved to the free box were washer, dryer, HVAC, dishwasher...