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  1. T

    Flying in a week...PLEASE help

    i agree with bunghole...edibles are the way to go...
  2. T

    Unhappily Unmedicated in Texas

    well all these stupid conservative southern states wont pass or change any legislation to even have medical MJ.... oh that would be the life!
  3. T

    hello from bama

    yeah i usually have to drive to ATL to get pot which sucks bc its about an hour and a half away
  4. T

    neat site showing you all the new marijuana busts

    that must be one big ass plant hahah
  5. T

    Marijuana Busts from the last few days...

    that sucks i dont see why the hell people would get pot mailed to them...that just sounds really stupid to me
  6. T

    hello from bama

    where the pot sucks and when you do find something its waaay to expensive