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  1. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    The F1 early season family(one male /two girls) The male more father like still but more hield and vigor and a sweet flavour as flower, a musky one as vegetative stage and dryed ballsbud. The girls: one smaller because of the smaller pot (just changed for a bigger one) and she react maybe...
  2. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    I would be happy to see the result ! I was proposing to blueberryrose to exchange seeds but is in canada ... if some of you are in europe that could be fun! Here the Flo seems to go on even if days are getting longer. Let see. The male started to open his balls i' ll collecte it soon, anyway...
  3. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    I advice you the africans weed wich offer superbe high happy warm psyche ... I ll get Malawi at one point. Some news: everything fine, evry body is sleeping out now. zzz The F1 Sinai x Afghan male is purple deffinitly and as everyboy is out and the sun mooving fast until june i decided i...
  4. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Almost ... Ariège .. Gorgeous Thai man .. very promissing!!!! Ok so i have a strategique request about my plants : My idea with my 2 femelle and 1 male already big was to get and store the pollen and sample the femelle. At one point i want to bouture them but now they r preflowering , i...
  5. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    s Spanish border, french side.
  6. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Some news : an other women declared from the Sinai F1 ( the most sinai and sativa pheno) And the male as red spot on his balls. I taught it had red spider ( samse size, same color) but no .... Maybe because of the cold ? I m kind enough everybody sleeps inside in a big carton box with around 18...
  7. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    So here there will be result out of various mother and maybe good surprised ! The Red BLood ND pheno mother
  8. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Here actual bad picture from the computer.. All F1 of Afghan auto father broadleaf. The 3 big ones in the back on the left are from Sinai mother exept the right one wich is from the Afghan "sativa" mother. In the front on the left, 2 ND keeper pheno mother, on the right 2 ND red purple blood...
  9. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Thx i didn't know how to do ! my phone got drawn it's drying now. so no picture for the moment. the first femelle declared this night, but its cold today 8 degree . Nights are about 0 degree this month its colder. i ll put everybody in a carton box for the night. Until now they resisted well...
  10. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    If said that Kumaoni is just few valley away from ND the type is really different, it grow for fiber, you can see this bamboo stick climbing the sky mostly in veg ! a lot of vigor. I smoked only one on 6 plants and the effect was really active wich i liked a lot. The density was the nicest. Very...
  11. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    i Had problems with nanda devi because she started flo in september to be harvest earlyer end of october until early december. One plant started the flow first in end of july ! then stopped and become a male after changing altitude and location ! other things about Nanda devi the effect. often...
  12. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Rurumo , i looked a lot on the internet to find some pick and info it wasn t satisfing . i m happy to help! i only showed the nice bud here most of them maybe over watered but most certainly reflowering like mental at the point that seeds were falling on the ground one month before being ready...
  13. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    some more...
  14. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Lets go on wild Nanda side. Here r seed wich flow until december and stil could go one more month for some . i didnt make seed out of them. only few joints were powerfull the rest wasn't satisfing and the taste and smoke like lavender very difficult to smoke. If i compare with the previous one.
  15. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Here come the Nanda devi keeper pheno ( on the right ) . But i think i ll need help my pictures doesnt appear well.... Over 50 plants that the one. First to devide Nanda devi, you make it sprout. the first half sprout and its probably better than the second half wich doesn't because of his wild...
  16. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Then came the Afghan ; she got more stretch than Sinai (1 m ) in the end about 1 m 60. She sub branches very strong and even denser than the top bud. I cut those branches earlyer on so you can t see them on the pictures.
  17. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Yo! Here i'll start with the summer's ladys . I started all of them late in June ! First Sinaï cut middle september. Here you can see the signature of the landrace of this Nile area. If you look at the leaf of the sudanese from TRSC you got the same detail in the leaf.
  18. B

    The Real Seed Company (RSC)

    Hi guys, I m very happy to see some people having fun doing crosses using RSC too. I m glad we can share our experience. Since a long long while that was my dream to cross and smoke various and unknow taste effect... Last year i got Sinai, nanda devi, kumaoni, lao (but they didnt sproat). I...