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  1. V

    Quick potency question.

    cbn content comes out when u delay harvest
  2. V

    Help w/ stealth growbox n other things

    Thanks for the lowrider info, i will look into getting some feminized seeds! What kind of light would be best to use for 1 MABYE 2 lowrider plants?
  3. V

    how to install ventillation???

    From what i know from building computers and proper cooling, you want your box to have negative air pressure. AKA you want more air blowing OUT than IN. This also elminates the possibility that any stanky air will leave your box w/o going thru your exhaust fan, which i assume you will filter.
  4. V

    Help w/ stealth growbox n other things

    Ok i have a buddy who's going to be helping me do this thang, only help i need now is how to "scrog" it? I think thats what its called.. but its when you put a wire screen in the box and have the plant grow wide instead of tall. let me know what you know!
  5. V

    Help w/ stealth growbox n other things

    Yeah like i said, i have spent quite a bit of time looking thru multiple forums.. ive decided i am going to use a small growbox since its my only option, i just need to know the other facts that i talked about...
  6. V

    Help w/ stealth growbox n other things

    1st timer here... ive spent hours reading and researching what im going to do, ive got a decent understanding of what to do but i still have some questions. I understand that these may be covered in other forum topics, but with my searching i havent found it, and i would appreciate an input...