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  1. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Just an update: I made a huge mistake in the very first two days of seedling phase and gave my plants full strength nutrient blend (I didn't realize my TDS meter reset to PPM every time it turned off....yeah...). So I flushed them and started giving them the correct EC, but following the Dr...
  2. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    That makes sense. I suspect you're right. Hopefully I haven't squandered too much time in the early seedling days (as these are autos) and can still finish this with a satisfying result.
  3. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    I will at least raise it up to 18" from 12"
  4. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Yeahhh... I'm starting to come around to that... I think you're supposed to ramp up the EC provided the plants are showing good growth, not when they are in trouble like mine are. I'm going to back it down to 500 EC and try and salvage this mess. Thank you for weighing in.
  5. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Thanks so much for your input. Especially relevant since we have very similar lights. I'm going to adjust light as soon as I get home. I already adjusted the fan last night. The light was my very first concern when I started this grow. I asked around and ultimately used the manufacturer's...
  6. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    But isn't the EC way too high for the seedlings otherwise? I think it was like 1000 before flushing. EDIT: attached image of the instructions I followed, for reference, from
  7. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Uh huh... Thanks for your help.
  8. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Not soil -- coco coir mixed with perlite. Coco was washed/strained/double-buffered with 150% strength Calmag solution prior to being potted up. EDIT: Should note that before the seedlings were placed in the coco, I flushed water through it to get EC of the coco below 100 per the guide I'm...
  9. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    The coco is not soaking wet when I water it -- not even moist at the top. Just cool to the touch. I apply 60-80ML or so to get a small amount of runoff.
  10. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    Thanks for your input. Good point. I'm going to experiment with this.
  11. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    I will try. Thank you for weighing in, I certainly appreciate it.
  12. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    1. I did wash/buffer the coco. I washed all of it through a strainer, then let it soak in a 150% strength Calmag solution for 8 hours twice. 2. Once or twice a day, depending on how dry the medium was at the end of the night. The youngest two have only gotten once a day though so far. 3. Yours...
  13. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    1. Light is Mars Hydro SP3000 (300w true power draw). I have it about 12 inches from the seedlings at 40% power per manufacturer recommendations to give me about 300 umol. 2. Nutrient blend started at 400 EC for seedlings and have been gradually increasing per a guide I'm following. The oldest...
  14. C

    Help with seedlings. First grow.

    I'm 12 days into my grow. I'm growing autoflowers (Samsquanch OG by Mephisto Genetics) in coco/perlite. I have six of them, all currently in pint-sized fabric nursery bags. Couple of the seedlings have brown spots. Overall growth seems to be on the slow side. Color seems off. The only thing I...