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  1. Steez420


    fuckin blows my mind that people still do this shit. nothing comes from using coke but unhappiness. everyone i know that uses the shit like that will eventually end up a junkie, just takes longer for others. grow green, expand your mind.
  2. Steez420

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    I second jorjes grow book. I am on my first grow now. I thought i knew enough, and without that book id be lost right now. The cannabibles are also good books, just to look at.
  3. Steez420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone. I just started my first closet grow with a friend of mine. We have 3 big bud and 3 sweet tooth started. I was wondering what size the plants must be before foliar feeding if it matters at all:?:
  4. Steez420

    Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow

    I recently was given a microscope for christmas from a friend of mine. Those things are a life saver and make it much easier to decide when to harvest.