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  1. A

    Same strain, same regime, three flowers, three results

    So this 3 Stress killers from RSQ were grown in same conditions. the results are quite different. i am thinking 3-4 more weeks.What do you say?
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    Leaves going lime in 5th week of flower

    Thanks for the reply man!
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    Leaves going lime in 5th week of flower

    Hey, kindly asking for some opinion. I over fed about 2 weeks ago one of the ladies, now two weeks later same flower is going lime on the top leaves. Should this be something to worry about, can i do anything? the other ones are maybe even to much green :), maybe a little too mich N in veg...
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    Thanks , will leave it as it is and do nothing drastic. it is first time ( my 5th grow) that tent got so nicely filled so i dont have expirience. Thanks for the help
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    Hello, should i do some defoliation to increase the outcome? till now I removed only a few fan leave basically nothing. its autoflower strain entering 4th week of flower. thanks!
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    Watering, eh…kindly asking for some advice.

    Hey, i think i am getting better!!! i think the container size was the difference. now using 4gal pots instead of 1,5.
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    Leaves wilting

    I poured water in the plastic container that pots were in. It was like christmas :), they are praying! Thanks!
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    Leaves wilting

    A, ok I understand. They are drinking more and more so it makes sens. They really stretched in the last week. Will start with 2,5 liter. should I add water now or wait till next watering?
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    Leaves wilting

    Hello, I have noticed the last two days the leaves are wilting a little. Watered them yesterday (soil was dry about 2,5 inch deep)they were wilting before and ste stil today. Photo is from now. they are autflowr in 2week of flower, 15L (3,5gal) fabric pots in soil. they are autflowr in 2week...
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    Leaving auto flower out of tent for 4 days.

    Hello, i am wondering how much of a problem would be if i leave autoflower out of tent for 4 days. I will be away and dont want to leave tent runing when i am out of town. flower will be in its 7th week of growing, it would be put on window shelf. cheers for your input!
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    Watering, eh…kindly asking for some advice.

    Other ones ( 2x gorilla, 1x big band) are not so bad but far from perfect.
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    Watering, eh…kindly asking for some advice.

    Week 8 after switch ( 7 weeks since flowers developed). This is royal highnes, seller says 8 weeks of flowering. the plant is in state which you can see. Do you think is there any point of leaving in grow any longer? Is it capable to do any more?
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    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    Yes, i see the fan you posted has versatile air flow and is very quiet, will invest in it.
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    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    Thanks for the input! Is it possible, the light is to strong, since it will be used in propagator setting? I allreadt have a mars ts1000. Now i am thinking to use this in small tent and buy easygrow v2 250 for the “normal” tent (2x2x6)...
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    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    Thanks guys, I agree with ( not) rushing.
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    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    Ok. So the cheap option is I get MARS TS 600 for 84 euro. The expensive is i get 3 ( or 4 ) strips of LED for 63euro (250 euro). And then for bloom strips if i want to flower them...:o hmm...
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    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    Hey, I am getting a veg box, so i can speed up a process a bit :). Secret Jardin Propagator 90 would fit me just nicely, it is small enough so it is not in a way and big enough i can even do flowering inside. The recomended...
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    Watering, eh…kindly asking for some advice.

    It is fun! Specially with good vent and filter, so there are no worries with smell. Hopefully I can reduce mistakes for atleast 50% next grow. thank you for the conversation man!
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    Watering, eh…kindly asking for some advice.

    Thanks for explanation. the plant you posted, was most uderwatered for a while and had very low humidity (30% or below) most of the veg. It is actually looking better now than before. So it was really bad :).